Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The international community makes a visit to the Antzasti Museum in the heart of Bizkaia


  • 16 postgraduates and highly qualified professionals and their families enjoyed a guided visit to this location of great anthropological value to discover the daily life and role of women in the rural and urban worlds throughout the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.

On the 20th of May, Bizkaia Talent carried out the third sociocultural activity of the year directed at users of the Relocation and Be Basque Dual Career Centre service together with postgraduates from the Be Basque Ambassadors programme. These entertaining get-togethers are an attempt to help with the social integration of persons coming to the Basque Country, whether this be to continue with the development of their professional careers or to carry on with their training.

On this occasion, they visited the farmhouse which houses the Antzasti Basque Traditional House Museum, located in Dima, a unique location surrounded by the Natural Park of Urkiola and opposite the Natural Park of Gorbeia. With the help of the sisters Cristina and Elena Amezaga, the participants were able to travel in time from the traditional farmhouse in the Arratia Valley to the modern Bilbao house of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through the eyes of women, the protagonists of domestic life, they made a journey full of contrasts through the rooms of both of the farmhouse homes. After the guided visit, they made their way to a local restaurant where they were able to delight in a typical menu while they enhanced their personal and interpersonal relationships.

Postgraduates and highly qualified professionals from the following countries took part in the event: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Iran, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Dominican Republic and the Spanish State. These persons are currently carrying out their studies and professional careers at the following organizations: Aquino Pérez & Associates, IED Kunsthal Bilbao, Idom, Mosaikus, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Deusto University and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

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