Bizkaia Talent

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Bizkaia Talent launches the third edition of the “Basque Spouses Programme” to assist in the socio-occupational integration of international professional couples


  • 21 participants of 16 different nationalities will benefit from this initiative which will provide them with key tools and resources for the development of their professional careers.

International mobility is a challenge not only for the highly qualified people who are moving to new destinations, but also for their partners who have to face the challenge of integration in a new work and social environment. In response to this need, Bizkaia Talent has launched the third edition of the Basque Spouses Programme which is part of the Relocation & Be Basque Dual Career Centre service, the aim of which is to support international professional couples in their professional development.

In this new edition the programme features the participation of 21 people of 16 different nationalities including Egypt, Pakistan, Colombia, Russia, South Korea, France, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, Iran, India, Sri Lanka, Albania, Algeria, Portugal and the United States. Over a ten-week period the participants will be given orientation and advice and will be provided with tools and resources related to employment, training and entrepreneurship in the Basque Country.

By means of a combination of group sessions, mentoring and workshops the programme will enable them to explore new opportunities, strengthen their personal branding and redefine or reorientate their professional careers. In addition to this, they will have the opportunity to link up with key figures from the work and social ecosystem of Bizkaia which will favour their integration and extend their contacts networks.


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