Bizkaia Talent publishes the report on the evolution and trends of highly-qualified talent in the Basque Country

- Business services agents and software developers are the two occupations with the most job offers advertised in the Basque labour market.
Bizkaia Talent has published the Basque Talent Evolution & Trends 2022 report, which covers the evolution and trends of the highly qualified job market in the Basque Country. The publication also analyses the new ways of working after Covid-19, the challenges of searching for and recruiting talent in a digital environment and the opportunities offered by the emerging silver economy sector, and other issues.
In 2021, 13,612 highly qualified job offers requiring a university degree or advanced vocational training were analysed. This analysis is carried out through the Basque Talent Observatory, a tool that collects the offers published in the Basque Country on 15 digital employment platforms. After analysing the geographical location of the offers, Bizkaia was the historical territory with the most job offers posted with more than half (51%), followed by Gipuzkoa (32%) and Araba (17%).
As was already the case in 2019 and 2020, the five occupations with the most job openings in 2021 are business services agents, software developers, commercial sales representatives and systems analysts, along with industrial and production engineers.
The skills most in demand in the Basque labour market in 2021 include the ability to assist customers, adaptation to change, as well as the execution of sales strategies, for example.
The report also highlights the evolution of highly-skilled digital profiles, for which the job market is offering increasingly better conditions in terms of job stability and salary conditions. This is the case for profiles such as developer, systems analyst, project manager, account manager or digital media specialist.