Bizkaia Talent

Press room



Today, 9 February, 2015, on the occasion of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of bizkaia:talent at the Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall, the international Be Basque Talent Network platform has been officially presented. It is the world’s largest talent network made up of professionals who have or would like to have a link to the Basque Country.

It is a great opportunity for companies to contact Talent all over the world at a time when the competition for the best talent is open at an international level. It is also an extraordinary occasion for professionals to contact each other as well as Basque companies.

After registration as a user, either at Be Basque Talent Network or at Bizkaia Talent, the website provides access to a specific user profile, with employment offers and varied information as well as access to its main services; an information exchange forum on various topics related to economy, culture and work-related issues in the Basque Country as well as the main search tool, the Basque Talent Map.

This tool provides a visual map where we can see the work location, by country and city, of the users of the network and allows a segmentation according to various criteria, such as the occupational sector, the place of residence or origin, so that we can find the kind of professional or company we are looking for.

All this is done while respecting the privacy that the users may establish with regard to their contact details. Furthermore, it offers, especially for those professionals who have not had the opportunity to work or live in our Country, very useful information regarding the technological, scientific and business potential of the Basque Country, its culture and customs and the quality of life offered by the Basque Country.

At the Be Basque Talent Network there are more than 6,000 registered professionals, out of those  professionals, 2,800 are Basque and over 2,500 of the users are living outside the Basque Country.

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Be Basque 6,000

We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

Be part of the largest highly professional Network connected to Bilbao - Bay of Biscay and the entire Basque Country

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