Paris is to host the twelfth edition of the Be Basque Talent Conference on the forthcoming 26th October

- The event will be attended by 46 organizations and a maximum of 150 highly qualified professionals resident in the area
Once again Bizkaia Talent will organize a new edition of the Be Basque Talent Conference (BBTC). This will be the twelfth edition and it will take place at the New Cap Event Centre in Paris on the forthcoming 26th October. This is an event of an international nature and its aim is to link up Basque organizations with highly qualified professionals in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere which enables the participants to establish relationships.
The event will last the whole day and the professionals will have the opportunity to discover the current reality of the employment market and the future expectations of Basque organizations. They will link up with the organizations by means of personal professional meetings and they will participate in topic-based workshops and discuss the needs and problems posed by returning. Furthermore, there will be a totally personalized networking lunch aimed at facilitating interaction with organizations according to the potential for collaboration and the interests of the two sides.
Since the first Be Basque Talent Conference in 2008, over 600 professionals and 73 companies have taken part in the different editions which have been held in the European cities of Munich, Barcelona, Stuttgart, Hannover, Toulouse, Amsterdam, Dublin, London and Hamburg.
The Managing Director of Bizkaia Talent, Mr Ivan Jimenez, stresses the importance of attracting and re-attracting talent with an international profile to the Basque Country with this initiative: “In an environment in which companies are facing an increasing need for professionals with international experience, this event is of key importance in terms of providing direct contact between professionals with specific profiles and companies to ensure an increased competitiveness in our nation. We are witnessing particular interest on the part of the professionals and we have fewer and fewer slots available for meetings, which are limited in number by the personalized nature of the agendas with respect both to the professionals and the company representatives. We search for correct matches where there is a clear interest on both sides”.
46 organizations from the Basque Country
A total of 46 organizations from diverse sectors will attend the event: Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, Ampo, Angulas Aguinaga, Arteche, Batea, BCAM, Bizkaia Beaz, Bizkaia Talent, CAF Group, CIC Energigune, CIE Automotive, CIC nanoGUNE, Cikautxo, Comalatech, Danobat Group, Egile Corporation, Fagor Arrasate, Gaia, Gestamp, Gestionet, Gipuzkoa Talent, ieTeam Consultores, Ikerbasque, Ikerlan, Ingeteam, in Group Consultoria, Inzu Group, Irizar, ITP Aero, Grupo Kirol, Lantek, LKS, Mondragon Corporation, Mubea Edai, Petronor, Prosertek, Grupo RETAbet, Salto Systems, Grupo Sarralle, Sener, Spring Professional, Tecnalia, ULMA Group, UPV/EHU, Velatia and Vicomtech.
11th Be Basque Talent Conference – London 2018