Bizkaia Talent

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The eleventh edition of the Be Basque Talent Conference will be held in London on the 6th October


  • 40 Basque organizations will attend the event together with around 170 professionals resident in the United Kingdom.

On the forthcoming 6th October the ETC Venues St Paul’s in London will host the eleventh edition of the Be Basque Conference, an international event organised by Bizkaia Talent whose aim will be to connect Basque organizations with highly qualified professionals resident in the United Kingdom. Those participating in the event will have the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the current situation of the various strategic sectors as well as a forecast for the future. They will also be familiarised with options available to them for the development of their professional careers in case they decide to return and/or get involved in projects developed in the Basque Country.

The event will be held throughout the course of a full working day and participants will be able to take part in thematic workshops and a debate, as well as making personal professional contacts and linking up with Basque organizations by means of diverse dynamics. Furthermore, there will be a totally personalised networking lunch aimed at facilitating interaction between professionals and organizations in accordance with the potential for collaboration and the shared interests of the two groups.

The Managing Director of Bizkaia Talent, Ivan Jimenez, emphasises the relevance that the event has acquired for both the professionals and the organizations involved: “In these times of job creation in the Basque Country, over 45% of offers are for highly qualified professionals, and the international experience that these professionals have provides them with a very important added value for our companies in today’s increasingly globalized context, whether they be professionals who have returned from abroad or are simply collaborating”.

40 Basque organizations
40 organizations from several different sectors will attend the event in London: ACICAE-Basque Automotive Cluster, ADEGI, AMPO S.Coop, BATZ S.Coop, Beaz Bizkaia, Bilbao Ekintza, CAF Group, CEBEK, Campo & Ochandiano, CIC Energigune, CIE Automotive, Cikautxo S.Coop, Danobat Group, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Egile S.L., ERREKA Group, Etxe-Tar S.A., Fagor Arrasate S.Coop, Fidenet Comunicación S.L., Cluster GAIA, Gestamp, Gestionet, Grupo ULMA, Ibarmia, ieTeam Consultores, IK4 Research Alliance, In Group Consultoria, ITP Aero, Grupo Kirol -Kirolbet & KirolSoft-, LKS, Matrici S. Coop, Mondragon Corporation, NEM Solutions, Petronor, Grupo RETAbet, SALTO Systems, Sidenor Aceros Especiales S.L., TECNALIA Research & Innovation, UPV/EHU, Velatia, Vicomtech, Virtualware.

An event with a long history
Since the launching of the first edition of the Be Basque Talent Conference in 2008, 481 professionals and 56 companies have participated in the different editions of the event which has been held in cities such as Munich, Barcelona, Stuttgart, Hannover, Toulouse, Amsterdam, Dublin, London and Hamburg.

Check out the programme: BBTC London programme

What will you find in BBTC London? What Will You Find

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