Application period open for Bizkaia BBK 2018 Grants managed by Bizkaia Talent

- Young university graduates will carry out specialised training in recognised centres abroad and will then be contracted by cutting-edge companies in Bizkaia.
The Bizkaia County Council and BBK Foundation have launched the second edition of the Bizkaia BBK Grants which are to be managed through Bizkaia Talent and which will benefit university graduates resident in Bizkaia who are under 35 or 30 years of age (depending on the postgraduate qualification selected).
The aim of the project is to provide a boost to the nation’s talent and thus contribute in a decisive manner to continuing professional training in strategic sectors, with special emphasis on the following high priority areas: big data, energy, aeronautics, finance hub and the car industry.
The total endowment of the grants will be 420,000 euros and the largest possible number of grants will be awarded based on the cost of the training selected by the beneficiaries of the call accepted by the companies and universities. The grants will cover the costs of registration, flights, accommodation, living expenses as well as any other applicable expenses, in accordance with the scales established in the call.
The BBK Bizkaia Grants program will be split into two stages with different deadlines and training characteristics:
- Stage 1: Specialised training in recognised centres abroad. In this initial stage of the program, the selected candidates will complete a postgraduate qualification in the recognised centres abroad assigned to each strategic axis. The training programs will aim to deepen knowledge in the specific areas corresponding to the challenges identified by the leading companies of the sector in question and will last for 12, 18 or 24 months.
- Stage 2: Work incorporation in Bizkaia companies. In this phase, the candidate will join the work force of one of Bizkaia’s driving companies in the high priority sector for which s/he has carried out the training and obtained the corresponding academic title. The contract will be for no less than two years, with working conditions equivalent to those offered by the companies to qualified postgraduates, and will be full-time.
Guide to the duration of the call
Applications and documentation to be presented: from December 2018 to the 10th February 2019
Final resolution: April – May 2019
Commitment signing on the part of beneficiaries: May – June 2019
Click here to apply for the Bizkaia BBK 2018 Grants.