Why Should I Join Bizkaia Talent’s Network?
Take benefit of the service that vinculates organisations with highly qualified professionals in the Basque Country.
Be part of Bizkaia Talent’s Network. Share your experiences and contact with other highly qualified professionals.
Improve your professional career through our aid programme to boost the recruitment of highly-qualified professionals and researchers in organisations settled in Bizkaia.
Apply to interesting job offers related to the organisations that collaborate with us.
Take advantage of our programmes focused on the talent development of students in our universities.
Do use of our relocation and dual career service.
Join us:
Our services:
Join us
International Professional Networking Meetings
A vinculation service between organizations and highly qualified professionals.

Relocation & BeBasque Dual Career Centre
A location service for highly qualified professionals and their partners that come to work to the Basque Country.

Intermediation and Job Offers
We manage job offers coming from the organizations that collaborate with us.

Talentia Service
A service focused on developing the talent of students of our universities through different programmes.

Basque Talent Observatory
A knowledge-based tool that analyzes the Basque labor market focused on highly qualified professionals.

Financial Aid Programme
We support training and contracting highly qualified professionals from companies around us.