The Basque Research and Technology Alliance is born to boost the Basque technological ecosystem and promote innovation

- It will enable the Basque Country to face up to industrial and technological challenges and improve its international positioning
With its mission to boost the Basque technological ecosystem by means of the dynamics of cooperation, the scientific-technological consortium Basque Technology and Research Alliance (BRTA) will ensure that by 2030 the Basque Country will be amongst the leaders in terms of European innovation.
The BRTA was created by means of a collaboration agreement between the Basque Government, the SPRI Group, the Provincial Councils of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and 16 science and technology organizations belonging to the Basque Network of Science, Technology and Innovation (RVCTI). Four of these are collaborative research centres (CIC Biogune, CIC Nanogune, CIC Biogune and CIC Energigune) and 12 are technology centres (Azterlan, Azti, Ceit, Cidetec, Gaiker, Ideko, Ikerlan, Lortek, Neiker, Tecnalia, Tekniker and Vicometch).
The main aim of this structure is to a generate a dynamic of cooperation and to unite forces to confront the industrial challenges faced by the Basque Country. This involves promoting synergy and strengthening the capabilities of all the organizations involved to compete with the major players in terms of international research, in line with the guidelines of the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation PCTI 2020.
Activities which it will carry out
The BRTA consortium will work in the following fields:
– It will articulate the scientific-technological capacities of the consortium organizations.
– It will coordinate the human resources developments of the organizations using common guidelines.
– It will promote and develop technology transfer to the business sector.
– It will coordinate the management of the consortium trademark, as well as promoting and spreading science and technology throughout Basque society.
– It will promote common action in terms of company structure management.
– It will offer support services to the R&D+i departments of the consortium companies.