The Global Talent Competitiveness Index recognizes the Basque Country and bizkaia talent as an example for regional Talent mobility management policies

The Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2015-16 was presented last 19 January 2016 in Davos, Switzerland. It is the main international benchmarking index on the ability of the countries to attract talent. It specially recognizes the Basque Country as a region and bizkaia:talent as a tool for innovative regional policies for talent mobility management at the international level.
This Index is produced by the prestigious business school INSEAD, Adecco and the Human Capital Leadership Institute. It annually measures the ability of the countries to compete for talent and it is a practical tool for governments, businesses and non-profit organizations. This year, the ranking of the GTCI (Global Talent Competitiveness Index) has analyzed 109 countries according to their capacity to develop, attract and retain talent.
The theme of the GTCI 2015-16 report, “Talent Attraction and International Mobility”, reveals that talent mobility is turning into an increasingly important element of dynamism, innovativeness and competitiveness and the territorial focus for talent attraction is shifting from countries to regions and metropolitan areas.
This fact highlights the need for (national, regional and metropolitan) governments to address this matter in a practical way, focusing on immediate concerns as well as on the long-term interests of their citizens.
In this regard, as stated on the first pages of the index, Bizkaia/Basque Country has proved to be one of the most active and imaginative regions on this front.
The case of the Basque Country
Chapter 4 of the report, produced by Leire Lagunilla, International Relations and Innovation Manager, and Ivan Jimenez, managing director of bizkaia:talent, explains how the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country has been anticipating these challenges and has managed to create innovative solutions to position the region as a leader in talent management and competitiveness thanks to the commitment and collaboration of the various regional stakeholders.
The Chapter Talent Mobility for Regional Competitiveness: the Case of the Basque Country presents the Basque Country’s differentiating elements at the socio-economic level and explains the current context, together with supply and demand projections and mismatches in connection with the qualifications of human capital at the regional level. Finally, the chapter shows bizkaia:talent’s response for smart talent mobility management from a regional perspective.
In this regard, the authors highlight the importance of the international expertise of the highly-qualified professionals, due to the great added value it brings to Basque organizations in their quest for expansion and development, as well as in the transfer of knowledge and the identification of gaps in certain competences and skills. Likewise, the long-term regional strategy on talent mobility matters and the active and coordinated participation of the various (public, private and academic) stakeholders, adapted in any case to the reality around them, has played a key role in positioning the Basque Country in this regard.
Check the whole report here.
For further information about the GTCI, click on this link.