Bizkaia talent consolidates its presence at the MIT European Career Fair in Boston representing 29 Basque organizations

On 24, 25 and 26 February bizkaia talent will participate for the nineth consecutive year in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT European Career Fair which is annually held in Boston. This meeting is attended by more than 5,000 highly-qualified candidates (European, North American and from the rest of the world) and 132 European companies and organizations with hiring needs in the private scientific field.
The managing director of bizkaia talent, Ivan Jimenez, said that “the organization is attending this international event with the aim of locating and contacting highly-qualified professionals and researchers in areas which are strategic for organizations of Bizkaia-Basque Country, so as to consider hiring those professionals or establishing collaborations between them and the companies, even without it being necessary to hire them, in order to develop research and development lines for products and/or services, with special emphasis on Basque professionals who are residing in the USA”.
This Fair offers professional opportunities to those who wish to work in Europe, with organizations which require highly-specialized profiles and can offer career opportunities in Europe. Most of the candidates come from the best universities in the USA, such as the MIT, Harvard and the Ivy League (which comprises the universities of Columbia, Princeton, Cornell and Yale, among others). This European Career Fair is the greatest event of this type and has been held in the USA since 1995. “This year our stand will present 91 highly-qualified employment offers to those who attend the fair”, Jimenez announced.
At the 2018 edition, bizkaia talent will represent a total of 29 Basque organizations : Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience Fundazioa (4); BBD BIOPHENIX S.L. (3); BC3 BASQUE CENTRE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE (2); BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mahtematics (5); Campo y Ochandiano, S.L. (3); Ceit (1); CIC energigune: Centro de investigación en energías alternativas (6); CIC nanoGUNE (1); Comalatech Europa, SL (1); Deloitte (1); Fundación AZTI (3); Fundación Empieza por Educar (1); Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (2); GRAPHENEA SA (1); HISTOCELL, S.L. (1); IDEKO-ik4 (7); ieTeam Consultores (24); INGEMAT S.L. (4); JSanse (1); MB SISTEMAS S.COOP. (1); Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa Jose maria Arizmendiarrieta, S.Coop. (1); Nuevas Estrategias de Mantenimiento, S.L. (2); PKF ATTEST ITC, S.L. (2); POLYMAT Fundazioa. Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering, (6); SENER, Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A. (2); Sherpa (1); UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO (2); UPV/EHU (1); Xabet Digital Solutions SL (2) so as to engage and attract top level professionals in the scientific, technological and business spheres.