Bizkaia Talent


The Economist ranks Bilbao as one of the best cities in the world for walking

Jean-Marie Arnaud
  • The Basque city stands out for its urban transformation based on sustainable mobility and the 15-minute city model.

Bilbao has been recognised as one of the best cities in the world for walking according to the study “A universal framework for inclusive 15-minute cities”, made by M. Bruno and The Economist, which analyses the proximity of basic services in cities of over half a million inhabitants. With an average time of 8 minutes and 24 seconds required to reach basic services such as schools, hospitals, shops and restaurants, Bizkaia’s capital city stands out world-wide as offering one of the best pedestrian mobility experiences for its citizens.

The report stresses that it is European cities which are the best in the world in terms of walking. Indeed, 45 of the 50 most walkable cities in the world are in Europe, and Bilbao is in fourteenth place in the world, top of the table in the Spanish State.

Over recent years Bilbao has carried out an urban transformation aimed at improving the pedestrian experience. The pedestrianization of urban routes, the creation of cycling lanes, the broadening of pavements and the extending of green spaces have turned the city into a reference of sustained mobility, reinforcing the city’s commitment to the 15-minute city model.

The acknowledgement of Bilbao in this study not only provides evidence of its achievements in the field of urbanism and mobility but also contributes towards its attractiveness as a destination for international talent and as a place to visit.

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