Bizkaia Talent

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Basque Professional Networking Seminar in London20.09



  • Bizkaia:talent has organized its eighth Professional Networking Seminar in London, focused on the Automotive and Aeronautical sectors and Information and Communication Technologies.
  • Most of the professionals (77.6%) who have taken part in this initiative are Basques residing in the United Kingdom, who will be able to learn more about the possibilities they have of going back to Bizkaia and continuing to develop their careers there.
  • ACICAE, AIC, CIE Automotive, Gestamp, GAIA, Vicomtech-IK4, Innovalia, HEGAN, SENER, ITP and Tecnalia Research & Innovation are some of the bodies participating in this seminar.

The Provincial Council of Bizkaia, by means of bizkaia:talent, an association promoted by its Economic Development Department, has organized a networking seminar in London in which 13 Basque companies and organizations will have the opportunity to contact 84 highly qualified professionals residing in the United Kingdom. The seminar, the eighth of its kind organized by bizkaia:talent in Europe, will allow the professionals to learn more about the possibilities offered to them by Bizkaia and Euskadi to continue their career development and will enable the participating bodies to establish professional ties with the talents residing in the area. As for bizkaia:talent, it will present the services and activities it provides in the field of attracting, retaining and linking talent, in order to provide our Territory with more and better human capital.

The networking seminar will focus on the automotive and aeronautical sectors and information and communication technologies. The meeting will consist of two parts. The first, devoted to presentations, will allow the clusters, companies and technological centres to set out the current and future projects they are working on and to explain the possibilities for career development in Bizkaia and Euskadi, as well as the needs to recruit highly qualified staff they envisage they will be faced with in the short and mid terms. In the second part there will be a series of interviews between the professionals and companies so that they can share their concerns and interests.

More than 75% Basques

Most of the professionals who have confirmed their participation in the Saturday seminar, 77.6% of them, come from the Basque Autonomous Community itself (half of them from Bizkaia), 18.8% come from other communities in the State and the remaining 3.6% are citizens of other countries.
With regard to the profiles of the participants, 25 form part of the aeronautical sector (11% of them have a PhD) and 28 come from the field of the information and communication technologies (about 55% of them have, at least, a master’s degree), while 31 professionals operate in the automotive sector (almost all of them are engineers and more than 50% of them have post-graduate studies).

The bodies who have participated in this seminar are also characterized by the fact that they carry out their activity in these three sectors. ACICAE, AIC, CIE AUTOMOTIVE, Gestamp and Tecnalia R&I will meet automotive industry professionals, GAIA, Vicomtech-IK4, Innovalia, Tecnalia R&I, AddItOut and Fidenet will do the same with professionals from the information and communication technologies and HEGAN, Tecnalia R&I, ITP and SENER will have meetings with talents related to the aeronautical sector.

With this eighth meeting, more than 340 emigrant professionals and researchers will have had the opportunity to see at first hand the innovative projects in which they can develop their careers in Bizkaia, in fields as diverse as the automotive industry, energy, aeronautics and space, telecommunications and bio-sciences.

Organized visits to British reference centres

Before this networking seminar is held, bizkaia:talent has organized a guided tour for the Automobile Intelligence Center (AIC) to one of the centres which make up the British Government’s Catapult programme. The visit will last about two hours and those taking part will be able to learn more about the National Composites Centre in Bristol and the opportunities for collaboration it offers.

Similarly, the Electronic and Information Technologies cluster (GAIA) will have the opportunity to visit the Future Cities centre, focused on the Smart Cities concept, which also forms part of the Catapult programme. This tour will be complemented by another to the GSM Association, where the companies accompanying the cluster will be able to learn more about Connected Living, an initiative related to the Smart City concept.

Meeting with highly qualified professionals residing in London

On Saturday, in the same place as where the networking seminar is organised, bizkaia:talent will bring together Basques residing in the London area in order to get a better understanding of their situation and their concerns and to explain to them what our association consists of.

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