Bizkaia talent participates in the European project “EURAXESS Career Day – EUESCADA” and will coordinate the conference to be held in Bilbao

In the next twelve months, bizkaia talent is going to participate in the European project “EUESCADA”, coordinated by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), together with another five members of the NETWORK, i.e. the University of Cantabria, the University of Zaragoza, the University of Granada, the University of Castilla La Mancha and the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge.
This project intends to offer as much information as possible to university students who finish their degrees and to researchers who are considering their career options.
EUESCADA will present information on funding opportunities at the European level, as well as professional alternatives to academia, geographical mobility possibilities within a career in research, skills and abilities of research staff and how to improve them. In short, the aim is that researchers are better prepared to plan their professional development.
The project will organize five conferences in five different venues, one of which will be Bilbao and the others Santander, Zaragoza, Granada and Toledo. This way, each host institution, bizkaia talent in the case of Bilbao, will work on a programme adapted to the needs of the territory and will coordinate the participation of different agents.
EUESCADA receives funding from the EU Research and Innovation Programme “Horizon 2020” under funding agreement number 741373.
For further information about the project please visit: