Bizkaia Talent stands out at the Forum PA 2024 in Rome with its territorial talent management model

- The Basque association took part at a conference, at which it was presented as a world-wide example to follow, in order to provide information about its evolution and the talent strategy which it has implemented in Bizkaia.
On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd May, Rome’s Conference Centre hosted the Forum PA 2024, a benchmark event with respect to the interaction between artificial intelligence and the public administration. Bizkaia Talent was invited to take part in the conference entitled “L’attrazione e valorizzazione dei talenti: come costruire politiche organiche nei territori” at which it presented the strategy for the developing, attracting and loyalty-building of talent which it has implemented in Bizkaia over the last years.
The Forum PA 2024, organised by FPA of the Group Digital360, was focused on the topic “For a multicolour PA: Persons and Organizations in the AI Revolution” and it covered the multiple facets of the impact of artificial intelligence on the public administration. Over a three-day period, the event brought together renowned national and international experts to debate about how AI can transform public governance.
Bizkaia Talent, represented by its Managing Director Mr Ivan Jimenez, shared information about the different initiatives and programmes which have made Bizkaia a reference in terms of highly qualified talent attraction. During the course of his speech at the conference, at which the Basque association was presented as an example to follow world-wide, Mr Jimenez stressed the importance of having policies which not only attract professionals, but which also develop their skills to the benefit of the community and the economic progress of the region. Furthermore, he emphasised the need to foster collaboration between the public and private sectors in order to face the challenges of talent management in the face of the digital revolution.
Participating at the conference were representatives of the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venecia Julia, the Region of Puglia, the Polytechnic University of Bari and the Region of Emilia-Romagna.