BC3, the world’s second most influential Think Tank…

- The BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, has been ranked second place in the Climate Think Tank Ranking, ahead of 293 public and private organisations working in the field of climate change economics and policy.
- BC3 confirms its leadership position in Europe and moves up to second place in the World Top Class ranking.
The Global Think Tank Ranking in the field of climate change economics and policy is an initiative of the ICCG (International Center for Climate Change Governance), a private organisation, which since 2012 has drawn up a comparative study of centres working to connect scientific policies and economic guidelines in the area of climate
The ranking analysed a total of 295 organisations and placed the BC3 number two, second only to the Woods Hole Research Centre in Massachusetts (USA).
Last year the BC3 ranked number one in Europe. This year the ICCG included all of the centres worldwide in a single ranking. Therefore, the BC3’s second position consolidates it as a European leader and confirms its standing among the international top class.
The purpose of this ranking is to assess the real impact that each of the think tanks has on shaping climate change policies around the world. By its very nature, the ability to impact policy design is often subject to subjective assessment criteria. Therefore, having an objective assessment tool shared by all nations is highly useful. The methodology applied in the ICCG Ranking is precisely what makes it possible to objectify the results of all of the centres, as it homogeneously considers both the internal capabilities of the groups and external determinants.
This year the ICCG has introduced new assessment criteria, a set of 15 indicators that reveal the real outcomes of these centres in three major areas. The first area evaluates scientific contributions (Findings) associated with the impact on public policy,professional activities and social habits; the second area considers and categorises the centre’s output (Publications), and therefore the qualitative and quantitative contribution of elements of judgement; and the third analyses the results of dissemination efforts (Dissemination) as an assessment criteria for the transfer of knowledge in relative terms of researcher contributions.
BC3, achieving success in research excellence
BC3 is an interdisciplinary research centre consisting of 35 researchers from 12 countries and under the leadership of Professor Anil Markandya. The centre was founded in 2008 as part of the Basque Government’s BERC programme with support from the University of the Basque Country. Its aim is to contribute to long-term research excellence on the causes and consequences of climate change.
The research conducted by the professionals at BC3 and the networks of scientific cooperation to which they belong have consolidated the centre as an international benchmark.
The evidence of climate change on global sustainability has led governments around the world to adopt political, economic and social measures aimed at preventing and mitigating threats, and at establishing actions for protection and recovery. Climate change is at the top of political agendas and a fundamental part of the work of the BC3 is to contribute, through science, to these policies and to facilitate their application in a regulatory framework consistent with the protection of the planet.
The ICCG ranking is a clear recognition of the excellent results of the BCS in this field.
Más información¨: http://www.bc3research.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=80446 y en https://twitter.com/BC3Research