Bizkaia Talent presents its internationally recognised model at a new edition of the Innova Bilbao forum

- The association promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia delivered a presentation at which it presented the tools for managing real-time data, for the labour market and for the skills
For the eighth consecutive year EL CORREO newspaper has organized the Innova Bilbao congress on innovation and digital marketing, a forum for company creativity, which took place on this occasion at Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum and which could also be followed online.
The congress took place over two intensive sessions on the 16th and 17th October. Taking the stage were a total of 25 experts from diverse professional fields ranging from marketing and communications, cybersecurity, health, creativity and talent, amongst others.
This is the first time that Bizkaia Talent has taken part in the event, during the course of which the company manager Mr Ivan Jimenez explained the work which the association has been carrying out over recent years with respect to innovation, with the creation and implementation of new technological tools, combining this with innovative presential online dynamics graced by professionals from all over the world.
Apart from the association’s innovative model, Mr Jimenez also presented several innovative Bizkaia Talent tools, such as the Basque Talent Observatory which enables Basque labour market data to be monitored in real time by means of Big Analysis and artificial intelligence; Kids & Skills, which identifies transversal skills and measures these in a personalised manner for each primary school pupil using videogame format; or the Headhunting Support Centre, aimed at enabling human resources professionals to obtain not only the most finely-adjusted talent to their requirements, but also to speed up processes and resources and help professionals in planning out their future careers.