As from today, Bizkaia talent offers Basque organizations the possibility to post their employment offers in the prestigious British website

Bizkaia talent continues working to offer better service and attention to its users as well as to the organizations which form part of its database. For this reason, as from today, all the companies which are registered and enjoy the services of bizkaia talent can post and disseminate their advertisements and information easily and free of charge in the platform of qualified employment offers JOBS.AC.UK, which has one million and a half monthly visits from numerous countries.
“We currently have more than 300 Basque organizations registered in the database of our association which can make use of this new digital tool and resource placed at their disposal, but we want to move further along this line so as to provide them with service and attention characterized by the quality and the added value offered by highly qualified professionals.”, said the managing director of bizkaia talent, Ivan Jimenez.
Within the territorial and professional profile which bizkaia talent has developed in the British website one can find, in addition to employment offers, which take a prominent place, information about the life and career possibilities offered by the Basque Country.
“We intend to hold an important space in the international scene for talent attraction. To that end, we are working to position ourselves at the global level by communicating and disseminating the strengths and advantages of developing a professional career in our Country”, said Mr. Jimenez.
PRESTIGIOUS INTERNATIONAL TRAJECTORY is one of the main digital portals containing international employment offers for highly qualified professionals. This web space was launched in January 1998 by the University of Warwick, and it has evolved to become one of the major professional recruitment virtual places which attracts the most qualified and talented professionals from the United Kingdom, Europe and the world as a whole.
“We would like to encourage all the organizations and companies to send us their employment offers so that we can disseminate them as much as possible and thus recruit the best professional profiles”, ended the Managing Director.
You can visit the profile of the Basque Country and the employment offers posted by clicking this link: