Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The second edition of the “Labo-Talento for SMEs” gets underway in Bizkaia


  • 12 companies from the province will take part in this awareness programme focused on STEM talent management

The “Labo-Talento for SMEs” programme has kicked off its second edition with the aim of continuing to support the small and medium-sized companies of Bizkaia in the attraction, loyalty-building and development of STEM talent (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

Promoted by Bizkaia Talent in collaboration with key agents in the province (ASLE, BEAZ Bizkaia, CEBEK, FVEM, Ikaslan, Konfekoop and UPV/EHU University), this programme forms part of the “Bizkaia with the talent” strategy promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.

Over the forthcoming weeks, 12 Bizkaia SMEs will explore current trends in the labour market, will discover good practises which have been implemented by other companies and will design their own roadmap to approach STEM talent management in a strategic manner.

The methodology of the programme, designed to provide practical and applicable tools, will be developed by means of three sessions, co-designed in colllaboration with 12 reference SMEs from the province: Alterity, Beca Grafic, Betsaide, Biolan Microbiosensores, Cementos Lemona, Egoin, Ilunbe, Innomy, Lancor, Prosertek, Satlantis and Zunibal. One of the sessions will include a gamification experience which will enable the companies to discover, in a dynamic and entertaining manner, the reality of the new labour paradigm.

The SMEs which will participate in this second edition are: Glycoscience, H2SITE, Hodeia Digital, GHI Hornos Industriales, PREST Eraikuntza eta Zerbitzuak, Ekide, Indarlan Obras y Eventos, The Revenue, Einnek Ingeniería Eléctrica, Lezama Demoliciones, Oxcitas and Troquelerias Enkarterri.


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