Bizkaia talent participates in the MIT European Career Fair and organizes a networking meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Boston

On the occasion of the presence of bizkaia talent at the MIT Boston Career Fair, there was a meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Boston.
Bizkaia talent, aware of the importance of generating and developing work and collaboration networks at the international level, held a meeting with Basque men and women residing in the metropolitan area of Boston. It is the second talent meeting held this year and the aim was to learn about the concerns and the situation of the Basques residing in the area of Boston.
The meeting was held in the CIC BOSTON Meridian Event Space and was attended by the External Promotion and Tourism Director of the Provincial Council of Biscay, Asier Alea. The Provincial Director went to Boston to make several visits and conclude agreements with organizations in the area, as a continuation of the initiative to create permanent contacts with the main knowledge hubs in the world. Thus, Alea had a meeting with top Economic Promotion representatives of the Government of Massachusetts.
At the Event Space in Boston, Ivan Jimenez, managing director of bizkaia talent, described the current employment situation and the future prospects in the Basque Country for highly-qualified professionals.
He also exchanged ideas on the development of the Be Basque Talent Network and on the possibilities of collaboration between professionals who are now residing in the area of Boston and other Basque professionals and organizations. The Be Basque Talent Network is a professional network who brings together all the highly-qualified professionals who are or want to be linked to the Basque Country. At present, it comprises more than 7,000 professionals who work in more than 80 countries in the world and over 150 Basque organizations.
Bizkaia talent participated on 6, 7 and 8 February in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT European Career Fair which is held in Boston every year. A meeting of over 5,000 highly qualified candidates (European, North American and from the rest of the world) and 132 European companies and organizations with recruitment needs in the private and scientific field.
Bizkaia talent is going to this international event to locate and engage highly-qualified professionals and researchers in areas which are strategic for Biscay-Basque Country, so as to consider the possibility of hiring these professionals or their collaborating with the companies (or organizations) even without it being necessary to hire them, to develop product and/or service research and development lines, with a special emphasis on the Basque professionals who are now residing in the USA. This year bizkaia talent has presented at its stand 46 highly-qualified employment offers to those attending the fair.
The Association to attract, retain and link talent to Biscay-Basque Country, is the only Basque institution in this prestigious fair in which it has participated on six occasions (2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015). This year, they have represented a total of 18 Basque organizations: CiC Nanogune (3 offers), Tecnalia Research & Innovation Foundation (5 offers), PA Consulting Services Limited branch in Spain (2 offers), Graphenea S.A. (3 offers), Ve Interactive Spain S.L. (2 offers), BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (2 offers), Fagor Arrasate S. Coop (1 offer), Advanta Holdings Ltd (3 offers), Ferruelo y Velasco (1 offer), Ticketbis (1 offer), CiC Energigune (15 offers), Grupo Ulma, S. Coop (2 offers), Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience Foundation (1 offer), Panda Security, S.L. (1 offer), Polymat Fundazioa, Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering (1 offer), University of Deusto (1 offer), Panda Security, S.L. (1 offer), Maier, S. Coop (1 offer), with the mission to engage and attract top level professionals in the scientific, technological and business spheres.
This Fair offers professional alternatives to those who wish to work in Europe with entities which require highly specialized profiles and which can offer career opportunities in Europe.
Most candidates come from the best universities in the USA, such as the MIT, Harvard and the Ivy League (made up of the Universities of Columbia, Princeton, Cornell and Yale, among others).
The European Career Fair is the largest event of this type and has been held in the USA since 1995. The ECF is not just an opportunity to attract European citizens who are currently developing their career in the USA, but to present non-European candidates from the most diverse areas.