Bizkaia:talent participates in the MIT European Career Fair

Bizkaia:talent participate in the MIT European Career Fair, which is annually held in Boston. A gathering of more than 5,000 highly qualified candidates (from Europe, North America and the rest of the world) and 132 European companies and organizations which need to take on staff in the private and scientific area. Bizkaia:talent is attending this international meeting with the aim of locating and attracting highly qualified professionals and researchers in areas which are strategic for our Historic Territory, so as to consider the possibility of hiring these professionals or their collaborating with the companies (or organizations) even without it being necessary to hire them, for the development of product and/or service research and development lines, with a special emphasis on the Basque professionals who are now living in the USA.
Bizkaia:talent is the only Basque institution in this prestigious Fair and has participated on four occasions (2010/2011/2012/2013) representing a total of 33 Basque organizations (Arteche; Baltogar; CAF; Iberdrola; Idom; Ingeteam; Histocell; Sener; ZIV; BCAM; BC3; University of Deusto; CIC bioMAGUNE; CIC energiGUNE; CIC nanoGUNE; CIE Automotive; Deustotech; Edai-Inauxa; OWL Genomics; Tecnalia; Genetadi; Ikerlan; Deustotech; Itp; Gaia Cluster Teic; Panda Security, S.L.; Azti-Tecnalia; Ideko-IK; IK4-Ikerlan; Gestamp; BC Materials; Bizkaia Biophysics Foundation; Achucarro Basque Center For Neuroscience), with the aim of attracting 190 high-level professionals in the scientific, technological and business spheres.
Before going to Boston, bizkaia:talent and the Basque organizations represented at the Fair carry out an intense candidate pre-selection from the database provided by the ECF, in which 150 – 200 candidates are identified according to the requested professional profiles. Once the companies have selected the candidates, the technical team in Boston conducts the individual interviews. More than 244 individual interviews have been conducted so far (50-60 interviews per edition) amongst the candidates who are the most adequate and the most motivated to move to Bizkaia.
This Fair offers professional alternatives to those who wish to work in Europe with entities which require highly-specialized profiles and which can offer career opportunities in Europe.
Most of the candidates come from the best universities in the USA, such as the MIT, Harvard and the Ivy League (made up of the universities of Columbia, Princeton, Cornell and Yale, amongst others).
The European Employment Fair is the largest event of this type which has taken place in the USA since 1995. The ECF is not just an opportunity to attract European citizens who are currently carrying out their professional activity in the USA, but also to present non-European candidates from the most diverse areas.
The Fair will last three days:
On the first day, 21 February, the format is that of a Fair open to the public, with stands, delivery of information and identification of high-potential candidates.
On the second and third days, 22 and 23 February, there will be closed-door interviews with the selected candidates:
– Either by means of a prior selection of candidates through the web prepared to this end by the ECF.
– Or, on the same day of the Fair, by establishing direct contact with the candidates who come to the Stand.
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