Bizkaia Talent


The MONDRAGON Corporation starts up its work offers platform MONDRAGON People

  • The Basque Country’s biggest employer, the MONDRAGON Corporation, inaugurates a website to attract talent.

The MONDRAGON Corporation has decided to explain its attractiveness as an employer, and with the aim of attracting the finest professionals of both sexes, it has initiated MONDRAGON People, a website that will publish all of the employment opportunities generated in its cooperative companies. Subscription will be open to the public to enable users to be updated about all the latest developments.

The website already brings together the efforts of several of the group’s cooperatives that have begun to use it to attract talent, but its goal is to continue growing in order to become an indispensable reference tool in the recruitment of cooperative talent.

Thanks to this project, MONDRAGON is able to renew its commitment to cooperative work with an emphasis on solidarity and quality, a commitment that has led it to become the world’s largest cooperative group with over 70,000 workers around the globe, one of the ten biggest companies in the Spanish State and the Basque Country’s top employer.

The website has a simple, three-part structure. On the one hand, it provides access to each of the cooperatives that are offering employment. Furthermore, it describes the most characteristic features of MONDRAGON in terms of working environment, training and internationalization. Finally, it provides access to the specific job offers. Subscription to all of these services, which will enable users to keep up to date with developments in the group, is open to all.

The website is available in Euskera, Spanish and English and it features video clip testimony of people who are currently working in MONDRAGON cooperatives, explaining the advantages of forming part of this cooperative experience.

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