Bizkaia Talent participates for the seventh year in the main scientific employment fair of the United Kingdom

- It is Naturejobs Career Expo, which will take place at the Business Design Centre in London next October 4th
Bizkaia talent maintains its firm commitment to taking a closer view of the social and economic reality of the Basque Country to countries which play a key role in talent attraction. Therefore, they have decided to participate for the seventh year in Naturejobs Career Expo, which will take place at the Business Design Centre in London next October 4th. Thus, the association will travel again to represent dozens of organizations and companies from the Basque Country which need to recruit highly qualified professionals.
Naturejobs Career Expo is the most important scientific employment fair held in the United Kingdom. Every year it brings together graduates, doctoral students and postdocs in Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Medicine, as well as young undergraduates who are seeking a career change. The main aim of this fair is to promote the European Union as the ideal place to develop a professional career in the field of science, either in industrial research, in research organizations or at the universities themselves. Thus, this event is a meeting place for the best opportunities in the best public, private, national and international organizations.
The managing director of Bizkaia Talent, Ivan Jimenez, said that “like in previous editions, we are attending this international event in the capital of England to locate and recruit highly qualified professionals and researchers in strategic areas for our Historical Territory, with special emphasis on Basque professionals living in the area of London”. “Likewise, we intend to inform about the highly qualified employment opportunities offered by our territory at our own stand designed for the occasion”, he added.
This year, Bizkaia Talent will present the employment offers of numerous Basque organizations such as Alerion Technologies, S.L.; BCMaterials – Basque center for materials, applications & nanostructures; Bizintek Innova; Ceit; CIC energigune: Alternative Energy Research Centre; CIC nanoGUNE; Deneb Medical, S.L.; Erle Robotics; Tecnalia Research & Innovation Foundation; HISTOCELL, S.L.; ieTeam Consultores; INGEMAT, S.L.; MAIER, S. COOP.; NEIKER – Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development; NORAY BIOINFORMATICS, S.L.; Onean – Aquila Boards, S.L.U.; Plain Concepts, S.L.; POLYMAT Fundazioa; Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering; UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO; UNIVERSITY OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY and Vicomtech-Ik4 so as to recruit and attract 54 highly qualified professionals in the scientific-technological sphere.
“Last year at the stand of Bizkaia Talent we dealt with the enquiries and requests of more than 200 researchers interested in the professional vacancies presented as well as in working and reinforcing the professional links with the Basque Country and this year, due to the situation generated by the BREXIT, we hope to significantly exceed this figure”, Ivan Jimenez concluded.