Bizkaia Talent, example of talent management in the first NEXT meeting held with the Navarra community resident abroad

- Managing Director Ivan Jimenez made a presentation at the event in which he provided an overview of the Bizkaia Talent model and the management of highly qualified emigrated talent
With the aim of promoting participation and contact between Navarra’s society and its diaspora abroad, an event was held in Pamplona on the 27th December bringing together professionals from Navarra residing outside the Autonomous Community and different agents from Navarra society, including companies, research centres, clusters, universities, social networks and the public administration.
Mr Ivan Jimenez, representing Bizkaia Talent, demonstrated the Bizkaia Talent model and the Be Basque Talent Network strategy and he emphasised the importance of promoting a talent development ecosystem. He also explained the different activities currently in motion, such as the Be Basque Talent Conference, which is held annually, as well as the different digital tools currently in use, such as the Basque Talent Map and the Basque Talent Observatory. He also spoke about current trends in the labour market and forecasts for the future based on the latter tool.
Around 100 expatriates from 20 different countries attended this first NEXT encounter organized by the Government of Navarra, and they raised ideas and proposed measures aimed at achieving progress in the voluntary return to Navarra proposals.