Bizkaia Talent

Why the Basque Country

Basque Country is waiting for you

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Quality of life and balance in the Basque Country

Quality of life not only depends on palpable factors, usually related to economy, health, educationor safety. It is also supported on impalpable [...]
Helicóptero de emergencia de Osakidetza

Basque public health system, a reference in the world

Health is a basic element in the quality of life and a priority for the citizens. For that reason, since the creation of Osakidetza -the Basque [...]

The security of living in the Basque Country

A territory is not only shaped by its geographical boundaries, its characteristic cities, towns, and villages, its emblematic buildings and [...]

The Basque Country, at the head of employment quality and salaries in the Spanish State

The Basque Country stands out as the autonomous community with the highest average salary and is second in terms of highly qualified [...]

Bilbao, the Spanish State’s best city to live in according to National Geographic

Tommie Hansen The Bizkaia capital stands out for its cultural offer, architecture, gastronomy and public transport system. The prestigious [...]

Excellence in specialised education

The Basque Country is regional leader in educational excellence according to the report “Educational policies in Spain: 2019 Educational [...]

The Basque Country, an environment for digital nomads

Technology and digitalisation have opened up the possibility to choose a new working environment. Many digital nomads prefer to sit with their [...]

Are you a relocated worker or are you teleworking?

Webinar about Social Security, with the aim of spreading awareness on the functioning of this public institution and informing the participants [...]

The Basque Country is 13th in the world happiness ranking

It ranks behind countries such as Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands. 71% of the Basque population are hopeful about the [...]

Language is not a barrier in the Basque Country

Two official languages co-exist in the Basque Country: Spanish and Basque, the oldest language in Europe, which has nothing to do with any other [...]
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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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