Basque Country is waiting for you
Get to know us
Technology and digitalisation have opened up the possibility to choose a new working environment. Many digital nomads prefer to sit with their laptop in the middle of nature rather than in the office or in their home country.
The Basque Country is an attractive region for talent and digital nomads. More and more people are visiting us for both short and long periods of time. And yes, here it is possible to work and travel at the same time.
Coworking spaces
More and more people are not tied to a fixed workplace and options such as teleworking or a mobile office have become very popular, especially among digital nomads, who can work from anywhere with just a laptop.
The workplace has thus become less important but, in order to be productive, many prefer to differentiate between work and leisure time. One possibility to achieve this is coworking.
Bilbao Hostel Coliving, to temporarily house young entrepreneurs and professionals
Bilbao Hostel Coliving is designed to temporarily accommodate young people with talent in the area of science, technology and the arts who are finishing their university studies (masters, doctorates, etc.) and people carrying out temporary professional or research projects in the above-mentioned areas in Bilbao. These people will be able to access this space on their own initiative or through referrals by local companies, research centres or university centres. Discover Bilbao Hostel Coliving!
Special accommodation discounts for those working remotely
Enkarterri, a district in the province of Bizkaia, located just a few minutes from Bilbao, offers the possibility of teleworking in the heart of nature, surrounded by bucolic landscapes and free from crowds. Enkartur, the district’s tourist agency, offers special discounts on rural accommodation, hotels and tourist apartments for stays of 10 days.
Are you a relocated worker or are you teleworking?
Do you want to know how the Social Security works and find out more about matters such as contributions, pensions, unemployment and teleworking? Find all the answers here!