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- It ranks behind countries such as Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
- 71% of the Basque population are hopeful about the future.
Basque citizens show a high degree of happiness and say they are very or fairly satisfied with their own lives (nine out of ten people), according to a study carried out by the Basque Government based on the World Happiness Report published by the United Nations. The Basque Country is in 13th place in the world ranking, behind countries such as Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Furthermore, 71% of the Basque population are hopeful about the future. By combining current perceptions with future expectations, 45% of those surveyed believe that their situation will improve in five years’ time, 29% believe that it will remain at the current level and 19% that it could get worse.
The study concludes that personal well-being is largely explained by personal rather than contextual factors, and that these are mostly linked to health, work/available money, family/partner and emotional concerns.