Bizkaia Talent

Why the Basque Country

Basque Country is waiting for you

Our particulary identity

Basque language, the oldest language in Europe

Euskera is the oldest living language in Europe. Most linguists, experts and researchers say so. Euskera is a very old language whose origins [...]

The Basque Country, culinary nation and paradise of Michelin star restaurants

Many reviewers regard the Basque Country as having one of the most varied and extensive gastronomies in the world. Innovation and excellence also [...]

World Heritage in the Basque Country

The Basque Country is home to four different World Heritage Sites: the Hanging Bridge of Bizkaia and the rock caves of Altxerri, Ekain and [...]

Fueros or charters-Heart and soul of Basque identity

Together with the Economic Agreement, the charters or statutes – or, in Spanish, fueros – are at the core of the legal system governing the lives [...]

Basque Country, a land of myths and legends

Every culture has its own myths and legends, and the Basque Country, with Euskera (the Basque language) as its main vessel, is no exception. From [...]

Basque sports: a hallmark of the Basque people

In all the Basque territories, people have engaged for centuries in a series of traditional sports originating in the countryside. Today they are [...]

Aurresku, Basque traditional ceremonial dance

Aurresku is a popular Basque dance, solemn and elegant, that is performed as a tribute or a way of honouring prominent figures of the local [...]

Traditional Basque costumes

Unlike other regions, the Basque Country does not have a single traditional costume. Nor is there a single costume for each of the Historical [...]

Bertsolarismo, Basque Oral Literature

Bertsolarismo is one of the remotest and most idiosyncratic Basque cultural facets.  “El arte del bertsolarismo: realidad y claves de la [...]
Bandera del País Vasco

What do some of the Basque symbols stand for?

Every nation has symbols that help build identity. Our emblems make us different from other peoples and inform our character. Our nation chose [...]
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