The Basque Country leads the ranking by region of investment per student and year in non-university education in the Spanish state

The Basque Country is an educational excellence leader, according to the report “Education policies in Spain. Educational Excellence Ranking 2015” prepared by Professionals for Ethics, an organization which has concluded that public expenditure on education has decreased and the enrolment and graduation rate has grown in the last four years.
The report points out that the differences between communities are still “very significant” and that, as a whole, educational resources have improved with regard to 2011, except for the student-teacher ratio, which has risen due to “budgetary adjustments”.
Graduation rates have improved in all the stages of education as well as enrolment rates, perhaps due to the economic crisis and the difficulty to find employment; and the best data are for the Basque Country, Madrid and Cantabria, as opposed to the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands and Castile-La Mancha.
As for the ratio, whereas a state school teacher in the Basque Country has 9.1 students, in Madrid he/she teaches 13.2.
The coordinator of the work thinks that “it is not a coincidence” that three of the four communities with the greatest emphasis on social initiative –Basque Country, Navarre and Madrid- occupy the first positions in the ranking.
Whereas in the Basque Country social initiative amounts to 49.3 % of the non-university action, in Castile-La Mancha it is 17.6 %.
Social initiative, according to this organization, means greater commitment of society to education, resource management efficiency above that of the Administration and a higher level of learning, but it has undergone a decrease in the last four years.
Expenditure per student
Public expenditure comprises several indicators: public expenditure per non-university education student, which ranges from 6,572 Euros in the Basque Country to 4,015 Euros in Madrid.
After evaluating the 58 indicators analyzed for the 17 Autonomous Communities, the Educational Excellence ranking 2015 is as follows:
- Basque Country (8.8)
- Navarre (7.64)
- Castile Leon (7.39)
- Madrid (7.08)
- Asturias (6.78)
- Galicia (6.45)
- Cantabria (6.31)
- La Rioja (5.72)
- Aragon (4.84)
- Catalonia (4.74)
- Andalusia (3.53)
- Extremadura (3.39)
- Balearic Islands (3.08)
- Valencian Community (2.71)
- Murcia (2.48)
- Canary Islands (2.16)
- Castile La Mancha (1.88)