The Provincial Council of Biscay presents the awards of the fourth edition of the Talent PRO Bizkaia programme promoted by bizkaia talent together with the I.M. Altuna Foundation

- The Programme is promoted by the association to attract, retain and link talent to Bizkaia, bizkaia talent, together with the I.M. Altuna Foundation
- The aim of the programme is that students from Bizkaia carry out projects to improve Bizkaia after their international stay
- On this occasion, the contributions by Eider Nuñez and Maria San Martin have been awarded 2,000 Euros each
The Department for Economic and Territorial Development of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia has delivered the awards to the winners of the fourth edition of the TALENT PRO BIZKAIA programme. It is an initiative promoted by the association to attract, retain and link talent to Bizkaia, bizkaia talent, in collaboration with the I. M. Altuna Foundation (Ignacio Manuel de Altuna Foundation for the promotion of advanced studies).
The award ceremony has been attended by the Economic and Territorial Development Councillor, Imanol Pradales, representatives of the I. M. Altuna Foundation and the managing director of bizkaia talent, Ivan Jimenez.
This initiative aims at rewarding talent and those innovative ideas which, stemming from what has been learnt and experienced during stays at foreign universities, can be applied in Bizkaia. It is, in short, a project aimed at finding and contributing proposals and initiatives which serve to improve the future development of our historical territory.
Talent Pro Bizkaia 2015, as in previous editions, has been addressed to all university students from Bizkaia who are participating during the current academic year in an international university exchange programme, such as Erasmus for example.
Participation rules
The participants in Talent Pro Bizkaia have had to contribute ideas, information and experiences gained within the context of the formal international university exchange programme (Erasmus) as a source of inspiration to improve the responses of our Territory and its institutions to their own needs and strategic challenges.
Evaluation criteria and awards
A board appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Altuna Foundation and by bizkaia talent has evaluated the contributions made by each of the students and has presented an award to the best ones, paying special attention to the following criteria:
- Originality of the work: the topics and the proposals dealt with must be innovative.
- Project preparation and feasibility
- Quality of the contributions, thoroughness and clarity of the information provided.
- Project specificity to respond to the challenges and the needs of Bizkaia.
36 students from Bizkaia have participated on this occasion and, after passing all the stages of the evaluation process, the following have received an award:
- Degree in education
- International stay: Norway
- Project: “Hezkuntza-praktika alternatiboen azterketa eta hedapena: Norvegiako esperientzia”
- SUMMARY: The proposal deals with an intervention project on the educational practices of a Norwegian nursery school, adapting an advanced methodology studied at a Norwegian centre to the characteristics of a school of Bizkaia.
- Bachelor’s Degree in Biology. Master’s Degree in Biochemistry
- International stay: Finland
- Project: “Basque biocenter”
- SUMMARY: The project proposes the creation of a web platform where the various biological research laboratories situated in the Basque autonomous community come into contact. This way, they can collaborate with each other or just offer their services, so as to stimulate and reinforce scientific research in the Basque Country. This “Basque biocenter” network is based on the Finnish network “Biocenter Finland”.