Bizkaia Talent explains the steps to follow for getting foreign qualifications accredited

- It has held a webinar with the aim of raising awareness of the key concepts involved in initiating the process of getting qualifications obtained in another country recognised.
On 20 October, Bizkaia Talent held a webinar on the requirements that a foreign academic qualification must meet in order to be recognised or to be able to obtain equivalence, as well as the competent authorities to contact in order to complete the process.
Carmen Méndez de Castro, Head of the Relocation & Be Basque Dual Career Centre service, explained that the university degree to be recognised, in addition to being official in the education system of the country in which it was obtained, must have sufficient equivalence with the studies or the Spanish degree of reference, both at an academic level and in terms of duration and content.
She also insisted on the importance of the origin of the qualification and the purpose for which it is to be recognised, as the process will be different depending on where it was obtained and whether it will be used in the public or private sector. For example, a person coming to practice a regulated profession will have to apply for accreditation (third countries) and/or recognition (EU) of their diploma, while a professional coming to work will only need to apply for equivalence if required by the employer.
Information document to answer questions
Bizkaia Talent has created its own document Information about the processes for the recognition of foreign degrees, available only to members who are part of the network, to resolve all doubts related to the process for recognising foreign qualifications. This document is reviewed by NARIC Spain, a member of the international network of information centres ENIC-NARIC, which provides information on the processes of accreditation, equivalence and professional recognition in Spain and other countries in the field of higher education.