Bizkaia Talent

Press room

International high qualified professionals and their families visit the Provincial Council Hall of Bizkaia, within the activities if the Relocation Service to promote their sociocultural integration


Last Friday, 16th September, an international group of more than 30 researchers, high qualified professionals and their families from Cheque Republic, Colombia, Germany, Guatemala, India, Israel, Pakistan, Rumania, USA , as well as the Spanish State visited and experienced firsthand the Provincial Council Hall of Bizkaia.

This building is the best example of eclecticism in Basque contemporary art. This building also holds the Provincial Government, executive body which assumes the government and administration of Bizkaia.

After this visit, they moved to the known and emblematic district of Bilbao:  “the Old Part”, to taste some “pintxos” and chat about projects they are working on.

In this way, the main objective of the Relocation Service of Bizkaia talent was fulfilled: “fostering the personal and professional relationships among the international Talent who comes to our Region”.

The attendees are international professionals developing their career in Basque organisations such as the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience; Technology Centre TECNALIA; BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Biocruces, ESS Bilbao, IDOM, Universidad de Deusto, the Basque Country University.

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