Bizkaia Talent launches the third edition of the “Basque Spouses Programme” to assist in the socio-occupational integration of international professional couples
21 participants of 16 different nationalities will benefit from this initiative which will provide them with key tools and resources for the development of their professional careers. International mobility is a challenge not only for the highly qualified people who are moving to new [...]

The second edition of the “Labo-Talento for SMEs” gets underway in Bizkaia
12 companies from the province will take part in this awareness programme focused on STEM talent management The “Labo-Talento for SMEs” programme has kicked off its second edition with the aim of continuing to support the small and medium-sized companies of Bizkaia in the attraction, [...]

Slush, the great global startup event, arrives in Bilbao
Slush Over 200 investors from 20 different countries will get together in the Basque city with over 150 startups and key international innovation agents. Slush, the renowned global innovation event held annually in Helsinki, Finland, has selected the ecosystem of Bizkaia and Bilbao to host [...]

The second edition of “Talent Strategy” kicks off to train companies in talent strategy management
Eighteen Bizkaia companies will take part in this training programme over the next five months. BAT – B Accelerator Tower acted as host on the 28th January for the presentation of the second edition of “Talent Strategy”, a training programme aimed at Bizkaia companies for developing the [...]

Ikerbasque opens the “Research Fellows 2025” call to hire 15 postdoctoral researchers
Contracts will be for 5 years and applicants must have completed their PhD between between 01/01/2014 and 31/12/2022. Ikerbasque – the Basque Foundation for Science, has launched a new call offering 15 positions for postdoctoral researchers. These positions are financed by the Basque [...]

Reunions and diversity at the international community’s end-of-year party
Around 70 people from 16 countries attended the event which was held at the BBK Talent Home in Bilbao On the 13th December Bizkaia Talent organized its traditional end-of-year party at the BBK Talent Home in Bilbao. This annual event gathers together a wide representation of the international [...]

Bilbao, the city with the cleanest air in Europe
Bilbao Ría 2000 The Basque capital ranks number one in terms of air quality thanks to its sustainable transformation. Bilbao has been awarded with top place as the city with the cleanest air in Europe, according to a report by the prestigious company Auto Trader which analysed the atmospheric [...]

Bizkaia Talent links up students and companies in key sectors of the Basque Country
218 students from both Bizkaia and abroad explore work opportunities together with five clusters and thirteen companies. Between the 18th and the 22nd of November, Bizkaia Talent organized a series of sectorial encounters with the aim of strengthening the links between the university talent [...]

A new edition of the Be Basque Amabassadors programme to accompany international students kicks off
63 students from 24 different countries will take part in the seventh edition of the programme, which is designed to strengthen the links between international talent and the Basque Country. Bizkaia Talent has given a welcome to the participants of the seventh edition of the Be Basque [...]

The international community discovers rural life at the heart of the Basque Country
A group of professionals and postgraduates from over fifteen different countries enjoy a rural experience at the Belaze farming hamlet in Elorrio. On the 16th of November Bizkaia Talent organized a new sociocultural event in Elorrio (Bizkaia), within the framework of the integration [...]