Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The Be Basque Talent Program to attract highly qualified talent from abroad kicks off


62 professionals residing in 22 countries around the world will participate in this first edition of the programme which has begun this October. The lack of qualified talent existing in the Basque Country labour market is on the rise and threatens the economic development of the Basque [...]

Bizkaia Talent, “talent management organisation of the year 2021” in the Innovation & Excellence Awards


The British publication, Corporate LiveWire, also gives awards in other categories to AstraZeneca, Netflix and SpaceX. It seems that the United Kingdom is following the policies for capturing talent implemented by other territories with particular interest, even more so after the problem of [...]

The international community makes an excursion to Mount Serantes


A group of fifteen highly qualified international professionals hike through the forest on Mount Serantes to discover the biodiversity of this natural environment and visit its fortifications. One of the main aims of Bizkaia Talent’s Relocation & Be Basque Dual Career Centre Service, [...]

The first edition of the World Cuisine League comes to an end


16 highly qualified professionals came together in the BBK Talent Home to conclude this gastronomic league in which Russia was the winner. After many months of not being able to carry out any socio-cultural activity or any other activity of a face-to-face nature, the Relocation & Be [...]

Bizkaia launches a programme to promote the training of highly qualified people in the silver economy


The programme will partially finance the Master’s degree in silver economics for the 2021-2022 academic year. The total financial allocation for the programme amounts to 108,000 euros, which will be distributed among 20 beneficiary applications. The Provincial Council of Bizkaia has [...]

Travel + Leisure places San Sebastian amongst the 15 best cities in the world


Miguel Ángel García San Sebastian is the only city in the Spanish State which features in the “25 Best Cities in the World” ranking of places to visit. The New York magazine Travel + Leisure, which boasts 4.8 million readers worldwide, has published the results of the votes for its World’s [...]

Bizkaia Talent is included in the list of the “50 Smartest Companies of the Year 2021” by The Silicon Review


The American publication highlights the Basque Country Association above other organisations in the management of talent. The Silicon Review, a global publication with an online community for business and technology professionals, has included Bizkaia Talent in its annual list of the [...]

The European Commission places the Basque Country amongst the high innovation regions


The 2021 Regional Innovation Scoreboard positions the Basque Country in the “strong innovator” group of European regions with its innovation performance having grown by 14.7% since 2014. At the Spanish State level, it is the strongest autonomous community in terms of innovation. The 2021 [...]

Last session of the World Cuisine League with a Zimbabwean architect living in Bilbao


Marcelle Mardon, architect and entrepreneur, has shared her professional and personal experience since her arrival in Bilbao. Since the World Cuisine League was launched in November last year, six highly qualified international professionals have shared their inspiring experiences of [...]

Bilbao Hostel Coliving, a temporary living space for young entrepreneurs and professionals


This is a pilot project that combines accommodation and common areas for work and leisure. Suspertu, a company dedicated to socio-occupational insertion for people who are going through temporary difficulties in accessing the job market, has developed a pilot project to provide accommodation [...]

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