Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia Talent continues to strengthen the scientific vocation amongst young people with the support of the Elhuyar Foundation’s Science Fair


Four grants were awarded for participating in the skills for professionalism programme, Talentia Skills. Bilbao has once again hosted the annual science fair of the Elhuyar Foundation, Zientzia Azoka, which was held on the 5th June, with the aim of promoting a scientific culture throughout [...]

Basque university system ranks second in the Spanish state when it comes to percentage of STEM graduates


Mikel Arrazola It also ranks second in nationally in terms of net salaries received by graduates. The Basque regional university system is the second with the highest proportion of graduates in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), with 28.4%, according to the [...]

The fifth session of the World Cuisine League continues to reinforce the sociocultural integration of the international community


The Iranian engineer and research worker Abolfazl Shirazi shared his personal and professional experience since his arrival in Bizkaia in 2016. Bizkaia Talent’s Relocation & Be Basque Dual Career Centre service continues to organise new editions of the World Cuisine League. This is a [...]

Bizkaia Talent takes part as an expert trainer in the Nordic Regional Training of the EURAXESS network


The Basque association shared its knowledge in managing the career development of research staff and dual careers On 26-27 May, several members of the EURAXESS network from the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) organised the Nordic Regional Training conference on [...]

Ikerbasque launches a new international call to hire 10 permanent researchers


The call for applications will remain open until the 10th September 2021. Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, offers 10 permanent positions to attract and consolidate researchers willing to develop a long-term scientific career in the Basque Country. This call is open both [...]

Bizkaia launches a new programme to promote the hiring of highly qualified professionals who are currently working outside the Basque Country


The programme envisages financial support of up to 20% of the annual gross salaries for the years 2021 and 2022 for the person contracted. The Provincial Council of Bizkaia will assign 800,000 euros to this new initiative whose aim is to facilitate the return of professional workers. The [...]

European quality of life index: the Basque Country is among the best places in Europe and is the Spanish State leader


@arka_r At the European level, Bizkaia is in the top 4% of provinces with the best quality of life out of a total of 1442 provinces. The Basque provinces of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa are in first and second places respectively in the state ranking, while Araba is in eighth position. The Basque [...]

Bilbao, among the top 3 cities in the Spanish state with the best quality of life


It leads the way in mobility, health services, education, cleanliness and culture. The Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU) has recently (September and October 2020) carried out a quality of life survey in the 15 most populated cities in the Spanish state, where the surveyed population [...]

Deusto Business School earns AACSB accreditation and enters the list of best business schools in the world


Only six Spanish universities and 6% of the world’s business schools have received this seal that accredits quality and excellence in executive education. Deusto Business School, the University of Deusto Business School, has earned the prestigious accreditation from AACSB (Association [...]

The Basque Country occupies 7th position in the European digitalization ranking


According to Orkestra’s DESI 2020 Digital Economy and Society report, the Basque Country stands out with respect to connectivity (3rd) and digital public services (6th). The Euskadi Digital Economy and Society (DESI 2020) report, adapted to include the Basque Country via the Orkestra-Basque [...]

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