Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia Talent organizes a webinar to raise awareness about the tax advantages available to people in Bizkaia if they have been working abroad


With the participation of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia which delivered the videoconference, the Basque association organized the session in order to provide a detailed overview of the special tax regime for relocating workers Bizkaia Talent recently organized a webinar with the [...]

Bizkaia Talent provides the keys for the accreditation of foreign university degrees


The Basque Association offers a webinar about the requirements for academic qualifications obtained in another country to be granted accreditation, official recognition or equivalence in the Basque Country Bizkaia Talent offered a session in which Ms Carmen Méndez, Head of Relocation and Dual [...]

Ikerbasque launches a call for the Permanent Positions 2020 programme to contract 10 research workers


The call for applications will remain open until the 17th September Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, has launched a new international call to continue strengthening scientific research, offering 10 permanent positions to attract and consolidate research workers who wish to [...]

Prórroga automática de 6 meses para los permisos de residencia y trabajo de extranjeros

Automatic six-month extension for foreigners’ residence and work permits


The validity of European Union (EU) citizen family cards is also extended during the State of Emergency and for a further period of six months after the end of it The Spanish government will ensure that foreigners do not find themselves in a situation of irregularity once the State of [...]

Compulsory 14-day quarantine in the Spanish State for those arriving from abroad during the state of alarm


Cross-border workers, transport company workers and crew members who need to travel to carry out their professional activities are exempted from the measure The Ministry of Health of the Central Government has published an order (SND/403/2020) in the Official State Bulletin (BOE) obliging [...]

Basque Talent Observatory: the services sector accounts for the most offers for highly qualified professionals


The Bizkaia Talent report analyses 81,000 job offers for highly qualified professionals in the Basque Country labour market in 2018 and 2019 by sectors, occupations and most demanded skills Bizkaia Talent has published the second report of the Basque Talent Observatory: Trends, which analyses [...]

The University of Deusto, in the Top 20 universities in the world with respect to the promotion of just, peaceful and inclusive societies; the University of the Basque Country, in 49th place in the world in the gender equality ranking


The 2020 Impact Rankings assessed the social impact of both universities based on their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda launched by United Nations. A total of 766 universities from 85 different countries were analysed. The second edition of the [...]

COVID-19: Bizkaia Talent maintains all its services


Taking into account the current situation that we are experiencing and the State of Emergency which has been declared by Spain’s Central Government to combat COVID-19, we at Bizkaia Talent would like to assure you that we remain fully operative, while we are following the recommendations of the [...]

The University of Deusto, in the top 25 European universities for Computer Engineering


The Basque university is also the third best in the Spanish State in this area The European Commission places Deusto University among the 25 best universities in Europe according to the U-Multirank, a worldwide classification of universities which proposes a new approach for the drawing up of [...]

The time limit for applying for Bizkaia BBK Programme extended until the 31st March


Young university graduates will carry out specialist training at internationally recognised centres and will then be contracted by a cutting-edge Bizkaia company BBK and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia have decided to extend until the 31st March the deadline for the Bizkaia BBK Programme, [...]

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