Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia Talent continues to promote science and the Basque language with the Elhuyar Foundation at the Zientzia Azoka


The Basque association will offer four grants to participate in the “Talentia Skills” professional skills programme For the third consecutive year Bizkaia Talent and the Elhuyar Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement and thus continue to promote the dissemination of science and [...]

The second edition of the Be Basque Ambassadors programme kicks off


Forty international students will become members of this network of Basque ambassadors which makes a commitment to social and workplace integration Bizkaia Talent has presented the second edition of Be Basque Ambassadors (BBA), a programme whose aim is to retain international university [...]

The sixth edition of the “Talentia Skills” programme of skills for professionalism is underway


Two hundred young talents from Bizkaia will participate in the initiative which is geared towards professional accompaniment in talent development within the province and the Basque Country as a whole Bizkaia Talent has presented the sixth edition of the skills for professionalism programme [...]

The Basque Country is in fifth place in Europe with respect to economic and social digitalization


Surpassed only by Finland, Sweden, Netherlands and Denmark, the Basque Country is at the vanguard of Europe in terms of the digitalization of its companies and production processes A study entitled Digital Economy and Society in the Basque Country 2019 has analysed 43 indicators from the [...]

Presentation of the 11th edition of the Talentia programme for the university students with the top potential in Bizkaia


One hundred final year students with the best academic records from the three Basque Country universities will take part in the programme The eleventh edition of the Bizkaia Talent Talentia programme will kick off in March, after the official presentation of the programme which took place in [...]

The Financial Times ranks the Basque Country as the most attractive medium-sized region with respect to foreign investment


The British publishing group spotlights Basque Country as the best in terms of investment attraction of the 148 regions analysed The Fdi Intelligence magazine of the Financial Times Group, which specialises in the ranking of markets and international investment flows, has once again [...]

The Be Basque Talent Meeting in Boston brings together thirty professionals from the Massachusetts area


The Basque association shows the way to professionals who are analysing their options to continue developing their professional careers in the Basque Country Giving further continuity to the Be Basque strategy and with the aim of continuing to maintain a link between the Basque Country and [...]

Bizkaia Talent represents thirty Basque organizations at the Boston MIT European Career Fair


The Basque association attended the event for the eleventh consecutive year, presenting around a hundred jobs with the aim of capturing and attracting highly qualified professionals to the Basque labour market Bizkaia Talent has once again attended the annual MIT European Career Fair (ECF), [...]

International professionals plant a hundred indigenous trees to make up for carbon dioxide generated


The professionals planted examples of seven different species of trees in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve in the company of members of the EURAXESS Network and members of staff from Bizkaia Talent For the second time, Bizkaia Talent has organised a visit to the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve to [...]

The University of Gothenburg visits Bizkaia Talent to find out about good practice in sociocultural and labour integration for research personnel and their families


The visit was carried out within the framework of the EURAXESS Top IV Dual Career Twinning Project Representatives of the University of Gothenburg recently visited the installations of Bizkaia Talent in order to share synergies and learn about good practice with respect to sociocultural [...]

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