Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Some 30 professionals resident in Amsterdam connect at a new Be Basque Talent Meeting


Bizkaia Talent has organized a new networking encounter to ascertain the possibilities of returning to the Basque Country for highly qualified professionals resident in the capital of Holland and surrounding areas On the afternoon of the 23rd May, around 30 highly qualified professionals who [...]

Bizkaia Talent participates in the BCF Career Event held in Utrecht


36 Basque organizations were represented with 89 job offers for the highly qualified at an event which attracted around 2,000 people Bizkaia Talent continues in its endeavour to strengthen the positioning of Basque companies abroad and turning the Basque Country into an attractive and [...]

Talentia Challenge participants visit Cambridge in the final stretch of their programme


The young talents travelled to the university city as part the programme’s international circuit, where they were able to continue with their training plan and work on solutions for the challenges posed by the five Basque organizations In the third week of May the participants of the third [...]

Bizkaia Talent and ACICAE link up with 50 professionals at the Be Basque Talent Meeting in Gothenburg


The event, in which the Basque automotive cluster ACICAE participated, enabled contact with highly qualified professionals residing in the south-west of Sweden, discovered what their concerns are and analysed work opportunities in the Basque Country Within the framework of the Be Basque [...]

Bizkaia Talent participates in the Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka Science Fair 2019


Bizkaia Talent presented its new Kids and Skills platform and awarded the four grants for the Skills for Professionalism programme With the aim of promoting science culture throughout society and awakening the interest of youngsters in scientific-technological matters, a new edition of the [...]

Bilbao is the second cleanest city in the State


Photo: Mikel Agirregabiria The Bizkaia town of Getxo is also outstanding in sixth position while Donostia-San Sebastian comes in at seventh Since 1995 the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has carried out a four-yearly study into road cleanliness, and in its latest ranking Bilbao [...]

Ikerbasque and Bizkaia Talent participate at the event “Job Opportunities for International Researchers in Southern Europe” held in London


Around 60 highly qualified researchers resident in Greater London attended the meeting On the 29th April, Bizkaia Talent, Ikerbasque, ACCIÓ (Cataluña Government), FECYT (Spanish Government), and the Italian Embassy presented their mobility and talent attraction programmes at the University [...]

The Basque Country, leader in educational excellence


The Basque education system is in first position with respect to specific indicators such as the rate of secondary education completion, numbers passing the university entrance examinations (“Selectividad”), low rate of early school-leaving and public expenditure per pupil The Basque Country [...]

Bizkaia Talent presents the Kids & Skills platform


Created for sixth year primary schoolchildren, Kids & Skills is a digital platform for the scientific analysis of transversal skills, unique and open to use by any school in the world On the 7th and 8th May the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao hosted the fourth edition of the Euskadi Teaching [...]

Bizkaia Talent supports science and euskera with its participation at the Science Fair (“Zientzia Azoka”) organized by Elhuyar


By virtue of this agreement Bizkaia Talent will sponsor the Zientzia Azoka for another year and will offer four grants for the Skills for Professionalism Programme Bizkaia Talent and Elhuyar Fundazioa have signed a collaboration agreement for the second consecutive year to continue promoting [...]

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