Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Sushi Masterclass for international professionals


Over twenty international professionals and their families enjoyed themselves learning how to cook Japanese food On the 29th March Bizkaia Talent once again reunited 21 international professionals with a new socio-cultural activity within the framework of the Relocation service and Be Basque [...]

Bizkaia Talent provides the only non-Scandinavian European example of talent management at the Nordic Place Branding Conference in Stockholm


The Basque association revealed the keys of its success with respect to highly qualified regional talent management On the 3rd April Bizkaia Talent gave a plenary conference at the Nordic Place Branding Conference 2019, which was held in Stockholm, thus gaining recognition for the Be Basque [...]

Bizkaia Talent launches its digital Career Development Centre, an innovative and unique tool on the global stage


The professionals registered with Bizkaia Talent and the Be Basque Talent Network will have access to totally personalized digital counselling to progress in their professional careers in the Basque Country, consult current salaries and make other comparisons with other countries and regions [...]

Talentia Challenge participants visit Berlin in search of inspiration


Young talents go to the German capital to discover new initiatives which will help them to find solutions to the challenges in which they are involved In the last week of March several participants of the Talentia Challenge programme carried out the first of the two residential learning stays [...]

Mercedes Aja (IK4-Tekniker): “Our staff turnover rate is low, which demonstrates that the talent retention methods which we are using are having the desired effect”


“People will not choose to work all their lives in the same place, they will change if what we are offering them does not suit them or ceases to interest them.” “Our capacity to listen and be able to identify what it is that moves people will be key in terms of anticipating their needs in an [...]

Fintech Open Innovation Lab: first start-ups incubator in the Basque Country for the financial service sector


This pioneering project comes into being in the service of technology-based companies devoted to the improvement of financial services and activities via Internet Located in the installations of Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria, a learning and entrepreneurship ecosystem promoted by Mondragon [...]

The Basque Country has the most competitive taxation system in the Spanish State


Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Alava are three of the five most attractive provinces in terms of taxation rates according to the Autonomous Region Taxation Competitiveness Index The Basque Country continues to be the Community with the most competitive rates of taxation with respect to the other [...]

The fifth edition of the Talentia Skills programme for professionalism in Bizkaia gets underway


170 young talents will take part in this initiative based around professional accompaniment for the development of talent in our country Bizkaia Talent presented the fifth edition of the skills programme for professionalism, in the course of which 170 young talents, previously selected from [...]

International professionals visit the Philharmonic Society of Bilbao


Thirty professionals visited the installations of Bilbao’s cultural institution On the 1st March Bizkaia Talent organized the first sociocultural event of the year within the framework of the Relocation service and Be Basque Dual Career Centre, which promotes interpersonal and professional [...]

The Be Basque Ambassadors programme has been presented


The programme will provide the Basque Country with a network of ambassadors made up of international university students and ex-students Be Basque Ambassadors, a programme set in motion by Bizkaia Talent and launched in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country (EPV/EHU) and the [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

Be part of the largest highly professional Network connected to Bilbao - Bay of Biscay and the entire Basque Country

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Our partners Our partners BBK BEAZ CICBioGune Universidad de Deusto Tecnalia Idom ITP Sener EHU Iberdrola Mondragon Corporation