Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bilbao Biscay Techstars Startup Week is to be held in Bilbao from the 4th to the 8th March


For five days the capital of Bizkaia will become the official home of startups and entrpreneurs From the forthcoming 4th March the Plaza Moyua Square in Bilbao will become the epicentre of the innovation community of Bizkaia. Over a five-day period, Plaza Moyua will host the Bilbao Biscay [...]

Bizkaia Talent takes part in the first UPV/EHU University Empoyment Forum on the Bizkaia Campus


The organization provided information about existing employment opportunities and orientated students With the aim of promoting student employability and creating a meeting point with companies, on the 21st February the EPV/EHU University organized the first Employment Forum on the Bizkaia [...]

The tenth edition of the Talentia programme to develop university talent in Bizkaia is up and running


Bizkaia students with top potential from the three Basque universities will take part in professional meetings, working days and workshops over the forthcoming months The presentation of the tenth edition of the Talentia programme took place on the 20th February at the Faculty of Economics [...]

Bizkaia Talent participates for the tenth year running in the MIT European Career Fair in Boston


32 Basque organizations were represented with 85 employment offers for highly qualified professionals On the 16th February Bizkaia Talent participated for the tenth consecutive year in the Massechusetts Institute of Technology MIT European Career Fair in Boston, the most important employment [...]

Over 40 professionals link up at a new edition of the Be Basque Talent Meeting in Boston


The meeting enabled participants to get to know about current trends in the labor market and analyse their possibilities of returning to the Basque Country On the 14th February Bizkaia Talent carried out a new Be Basque Talent Meeting in Boston within the framework of the Be Basque Talent [...]

The time limit for applying for Bizkaia BBK 2018 grants extended until the 20th March


Young university graduates will carry out specialised training in recognised centres abroad and will then be contracted by cutting-edge companies in Bizkaia The Bizkaia County Council and BBK Foundation have decided to extend until the 20th March the deadline for young university graduates, [...]

The third edition of Talentia Challenge gets underway


Thirty-five young talents will attempt to resolve the challenges posed by five organizations over the next five months Bizkaia Talent has launched the third edition of Talentia Challenge in which 35 young talents will work in teams over the next five months to find a solution to the [...]

The Basque Country is an attractive region for foreign investment according to the Financial Times


The “Invest in the Basque Country” strategy developed by Spri and the Basque Government is highlighted from among 112 locations worldwide The Fdi Intelligence magazine of the Financial Times group has recognised the Basque Country as an attractive region with respect to potential foreign [...]

We already have the winners of the “What is Bizkaia Talent?” competition


Iñigo Alonso and IK4-TEKNIKER are the winners of this first edition of the competition Having received almost one hundred responses to the “What is Bizkaia Talent for you?” competition, Bizkaia Talent has selected the following winners: Professional category: Iñigo Alonso Fernández Company [...]

18,000 new jobs were created in the Basque Country in 2018 and the forecast is for a further 14,000 in 2019


The predicted economic growth of 2.5% is above the Euro Zone average of 1.9% The Basque Country ended 2018 will 962,000 people enrolled with Social Security – an annual increase of 18,000 or 1.92%. With respect to the unemployed, the rate currently stands at 9.58% (the lowest in the [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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