Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The Basque Country has 12% of job offers with just 4.5% of the overall population of the Spanish State


The constant increase of employment vacancies since 2015 has lowered the rate of unemployment to the level of 2010. With less than 5% of the overall population of the Spanish State, the Basque Country, second in terms of GDP per capita, is proving to be highly dynamic, accounting for 12.23% [...]

Bizkaia Talent participates in the third edition of B-Venture


Carmen Méndez, responsible for and expert in international mobility management at Bizkaia Talent, delivered a workshop entitled “Working on the Human Side of Start-ups: the Attraction and Integration of Talent in the Ecosystem” at the Palacio Euskalduna Hall in Bilbao. At the third edition of [...]

The 11th Be Basque Talent Conference held in London has been a complete success


40 Basque organizations and over 150 Basque professionals resident in the United Kingdom took part in this international event, which featured more than 700 individual professional encounters, together with workshops, company presentations and debates. On the 6th October ETC Venues St Paul’s [...]

Bizkaia Talent presents 167 job offers at the Naturejobs Career Expo in London


34 Basque organizations were presented at the prestigious scientific fair in the British capital. Attracting talent to the Basque Country is one of the top priorities for Bizkaia Talent which has travelled to several different places in the world over the last year to promote the social and [...]

Bizkaia Talent to collaborate in the organization of Shape Iberia 2018


Bizkaia Talent has signed a collaboration agreement with Global Shapers Bilbao Hub in favour of promoting young talent. Bizkaia Talent and the Social Innovation Association Global Shapers Bilbao-Euskadi have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at developing activities that have an impact at [...]

Bizkaia Talent stands up for genuine gender equality in companies


Bizkaia Talent has taken part in the round table “Road map towards the modernization and competitiveness of companies through gender diversity” organized by the PWN Bilbao Association. On the 16th September, Bizkaia Talent participated at a meeting held at the Deusto Business School where the [...]

Bizkaia Talent shares in the success of Project H2020, Euescada


In September, Bizkaia Talent organized the Science+ ERA Career Bilbao Day attended by 248 professionals. Coordinated by the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECYT), Project H2020 Euescada was directed at university students and research workers with a view to promoting research [...]

Bizkaia Talent links up with 30 highly qualified Basque professionals from Berlin


Within the framework of the “UnBox: Discover Bilbao Bizkaia in a Box” initiative promoted by the Bizkaia Provincial Council, Bizkaia Talent has organized a new Be Basque Talent Meeting in the German capital. On the afternoon of the 20th September, Bizkaia Talent organized a new edition of the [...]

The University of Deusto in the world teaching excellence top six


The Basque University has won one of the six Global Teaching Excellence Award 2018 prizes, placing it among the best universities in the world. The University of Deusto has been awarded with one of the six Global Teaching Award 2018 (GTEA 2018) prizes for teaching excellence. These [...]

Bizkaia Talent joins the “Companies and Biodiversity” Project promoted by the Lurgaia Fundazioa Foundation


Under the collaboration agreement, Bizkaia Talent will carry out several different measures involving biodiversity conservation and management. Bizkaia Talent and the Lurgaia Fundazioa Foundation have joined forces with the signing of an agreement aimed at promoting the Companies and [...]

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