Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Participants of the Talentia Challenge program visit Cambridge as part of its international tour


Twelve participants of the program travelled to this innovative ecosystem in order to receive training and visit emergent companies. During the first week of June several participants of the Talentia Challenge program teams had the opportunity to travel to Cambridge in the United Kingdom to [...]

The Be Basque Talent Meeting held in Geneva and attended by highly qualified professional Basque people from the area


Bizkaia Talent has organized a new meeting to connect Basque talent with our country. On the 15th June Bizkaia Talent held a new edition of the Be Basque Talent Meeting in Geneva with the aim of linking up with highly qualified Basque professionals who are resident in Switzerland and [...]

Bizkaia Talent organizes a working day about procedures for contracting foreign entrepreneurs, researchers and highly qualified workers


Inmaculada Sedano was responsible for delivering the working day on techniques for the regularization of highly qualified staff and research workers from outside the European Union (EU). On the 14th June, Bizkaia Talent organized a technical session at BIC Bizkaia, Derio, where Inmaculada [...]

Basque university professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer is given the CERU Merit Award for her research work


The Spanish Scientists Society of the United Kingdom (CERU) has given its recognition to the outstanding career of the professor and researcher by granting her the Merit Award. The Merit Award is an annual prize awarded by the Spanish Scientists Society of the United Kingdom (CERU) in [...]

The European Commission awards Ikerbasque for its efforts in attracting research talent to the Basque Country


Ikerbasque, the Basque science foundation, has succeeded in renewing its “HRS4R Excellence in Research” stamp awarded by the European Commission for its strategy in attracting research professionals. Ikerbasque, the core of whose activity is to act a magnet to attract research talent, has [...]

The Bizkaia Minister for Economic and Territorial Development presents the diplomas for the Talentia service programs


227 students from the three Basque universities have taken part in the ninth edition of the Talentia program and the fourth of Talentia Skills for Professionalism. The Bizkaia Minister for Economic and Territorial Development Imanol Pradales presided the diploma award ceremony for the various [...]

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa promotes the Gipuzkoa Talent strategy to foster talent


Having previously signed an agreement with the Bizkaia Provincial Council, Bizkaia Talent will share its knowledge and experience in the Gipuzkoa Talent initiative to foster the generation, retention and attraction of highly qualified talent in the region. The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa [...]

Ikerbasque have launched a new call of the Research Professor 2018 offering 10 positions for researchers


Ikerbasque, The Basque Foundation for Science, offers 10 permanent contract positions for senior researchers willing to develop a long-term scientific career in the Basque Country. These positions are financed by the Basque Government, the European Commission and the host institution where the [...]

A group of international professionals are introduced to the world of Basque Pelota at the Lekeitio indoor court


On the 5th May a group of twenty highly qualified international professionals and their families made a visit to Lekeitio’s indoor pelota court. Experts in the field of Basque handball, together with ex-professional players and renowned referees explained the history and rules of the sport to [...]

The Basque cities of San Sebastián and Bilbao are the best European tourist destinations in 2018


The capital of Gipuzkoa has been awarded the prize for the best European tourist destination 2018 by TripExpert while the capital of Bizkaia has been nominated the second best European tourist destination 2018 by the platform European Best Destinations. The Basque Country is enjoying robust [...]

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