Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Participants from the Talentia Challenge Program search for inspiration in Finland


17 participants from the program travelled to the city of Turku accompanied by two team-coaches in order to find out about other similar projects and to generate new ideas in a search for solutions to the challenges posed by companies. Throughout the month of April, the Talentia Challenge [...]

Bizkaia Talent signs the manifesto of the “Men on Board” project promoted by the Bilbao Professional Women’s Network association


Bizkaia Talent joined the “Men on Board” initiative promoted by the Bilbao Professional Women’s Network association (PWN Bilbao), aimed at reducing the gender gap that currently exists in companies in terms of leadership. The event took place at the offices of Bizkaia Talent, whose Managing [...]

Employment will increase by 8.7% in the Basque Country in the 2015-2025 period according to research on youth employability and access to the labour market carried out by the Basque Social and Economic Council (CES)


Growth in the tertiary sector will lead to employment opportunities in the forthcoming decade. The evolution of employment in Europe predicts a reduction in the primary sector and basic manufacturing, and a growth in the tertiary sector such as commercial services and companies, distribution [...]

Bizkaia Talent collaborates with the Zientzia Azoka Fair organized by Elhuyar, to be held in Bilbao on the 21st April


The Zientzia Azoka project for the academic year 2017-2018 was initiated in September 2017 and its main event will take place on the forthcoming 21st April with the fair to be held in the Plaza Nueva in Bilbao. With the aim of promoting a scientific culture throughout Basque society and [...]

Bizkaia Talent presents the “Basque Talent Observatory”, the world’s first public access platform for monitoring the regional labour market for the highly qualified


  This is an initiative carried out by Bizkaia Talent in collaboration with TabulaeX, a spin-off of the University of Milan-Biccoca, created in order to manage knowledge transfer. It is based on a tool that analyses the Basque labour market with a focus on highly qualified professionals [...]

Bizkaia Talent will collaborate with Zientzia Azoka and the promotion of euskera and science thanks to an agreement with the Elhuyar Foundation


Thanks to this agreement assistance will be provided in the setting up of Zientzia Azoka which will take place on the forthcoming 21st April 2018 in Bilbao. Four places will be offered for participating in the Competences for Professionalism Program in Bizkaia. One of the fields in which [...]


The Basque researcher Irene Echeverria has been awarded the British Neuroscience Association (BNA) Undergraduate Prize


The young 21-year-old Basque who graduated in Neuroscience at University College London (UCL) has been awarded this prize for both academic excellence and merit during the course of her degree and for her end of degree research project. Irene Echevarria opted to leave her country of birth, [...]

2018, a year of major international events in Bilbao and Bizkaia


2018 will be a special year in terms of the international image of Bizkaia and its capital Bilbao thanks to several major events which will be taking place over the course of the forthcoming months, and which will have a great impact on the whole of the Basque Country in financial, social and [...]

A total of 18,246 jobs were created in the Basque Country in 2017


The rate of unemployment in the Basque Country now stands at 10.6%, having fallen by more than 1.5% over the last twelve months. Congratulations to the Basque labour market, which has started the year 2018 with 915,000 people in employment, 18,246 full-time jobs having been created in the [...]

International group of professionals visits the oldest farmhouse hamlet in Bizkaia, Landetxo Goikoa-Izenaduba Basoa in Mungia


On the 17th March a group of thirty highly qualified professionals and their families visited Landetxo Goikoa-Izenaduba Basoa (the oldest standing farmhouse hamlet in Bizkaia), where they were introduced to the world of Basque mythology, and encountered the figure of the midwife and herbalist, [...]

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