Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Crowdfunding Bizkaia, the world’s first public online platform for innovation projects


The platform has been set up in order to finance innovation projects in Bizkaia. Bizkaia County Council has set in motion the Crowdfunding Bizkaia initiative, the first participative finance platform for start-ups of a public nature aimed at continuing to strengthen the entrepreneurship [...]

Bizkaia Talent’s Be Basque strategy, acknowledged as being one of three worldwide examples of talent management


Bilbao-Bizkaia stands out in terms of talent development and management. The Insead Business School and Adecco Human Resources Consultancy Firm compiled the Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2018 (GTCI 2018), which analyses worldwide competitiveness for talent. It was presented within the [...]

Bizkaia Talent reinforces the Be Basque Talent Network in Boston thanks to a new meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals


In the evening of Friday, February 23h, and on the participation in the European Career Fair 2018 for the nineth year in a row, Bizkaia Talent organized a new edition of the international Be Basque Talent Meetings with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Boston. The [...]

Bizkaia talent consolidates its presence at the MIT European Career Fair in Boston representing 29 Basque organizations


On 24, 25 and 26 February bizkaia talent will participate for the nineth consecutive year in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT European Career Fair which is annually held in Boston. This meeting is attended by more than 5,000 highly-qualified candidates (European, North American and [...]

TALENTIA CHALLENGE NEWS – Initiation of the program


The second edition of Talentia Challenge has begun, the starting gun for a five-month period during which time the 36 chosen participants of the Talentia Network will work in teams to find a solution to the challenges posed by the five companies which are taking part in this edition: IMAR, [...]



These positions are financed by the Basque Government, the European Commission and the host institution where the researcher will develop his/her research:   Bilbao, January 2018 – IKERBASQUE has launched a new call of the Research Fellows 2018 Programme. Thanks to this initiative the [...]

The Basque city of Donostia – San Sebastian recognized as the ‘Best Food Destination in the world’


Donostia-San Sebastian has been named ‘Best Food Destination in the world’. It is no news that the Basque city is one of the favourite travel destinations for tourists. The news is that a catering multinational company has selected it to top a list which has been prepared taking [...]

The Basque Formula Student team, from the Engineering School of Bilbao, has achieved the best position in their history in the race of the competition with four awards at Silverstone


The Formula Student Bizkaia team from the School of Engineering of Bilbao (University of the Basque Country), which competed in the international competition at Silverstone, reached the final for the first time and achieved four awards and the best position in their history in the race which [...]

Bizkaia leads the increase in temporary contracts converted into permanent in the Spanish state


In the Basque Country more than 13,000 contracts changed from temporary to permanent during the first semester of this year, which represents a growth of 31.7%, according to Randstad   The improvement in the Basque economy, with rises of around 3% in the upward trend undergone for the fourth [...]

The Basque Government presents an Industry Plan 2017-2020 which deals with the new Industry 4.0 paradigm and responds to the needs of the SMEs


This plan aims at a more industrial Basque Country both in quantitative as well as in qualitative terms, with a business network which competes in the new industry 0 paradigm It provides for a direct budget of EUR 1,225 M for the period 2017-2020, as well as nearly 1,000 M per year in the form [...]

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