Bizkaia Talent

Press room

More than 60 highly-qualified international professionals hold a year-end party within the Relocation Service


Last Friday 15 December, given the proximity of Christmas, a year-end party was held by Bizkaia Talent together with the users of the Relocation and the Be Basque Dual Career services, thus reinforcing one of the essences of this service, which is precisely the social and cultural integration [...]

Bizkaia Talent, with the collaboration of Basque organizations, launches the second edition of the Talentia Challenge Programme in order to keep challenging young talents from Bizkaia


IMAR, GRUPO URBEGI, SISTEPLANT, SENER and VIDRALA have confirmed their participation in this project and presented the corresponding challenges The selected participants will undergo an accompaniment process for four months and will have a tutor from the company involved in the challenges, [...]

Basque citizens have the highest level of well-being in the entire Spanish state


According to a survey carried out by the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie The Basque Country is the region which has the best level of well-being after the crisis and the start of the economic recovery, according to a survey carried out by the BBVA Foundation and the Valencian Institute of [...]

The Basque Government allocates 1,175 million to create 45,000 jobs until 2020


The Basque Government has approved the Strategic Employment Plan 2017-2020, which intends to encourage the creation of 45,000 jobs during that period. 1,175 million Euros will be allocated to that end and the focus will be on the establishment of new businesses, the recruitment of people with [...]

Bizkaia Talent launches a call for grants for the recruitment of professionals and research staff in innovative sectors


Up to now, around 8 million euros have been invested to attract talent; 163 highly qualified professionals and researchers who have joined more than 60 companies and organizations in Bizkaia From December 11 to February 15, 2018 opens the deadline to apply for aid for hiring professionals and [...]

Highly qualified international professionals know the mining area, motor of the Basque industry within the activities of the Relocation service of Bizkaia Talent


On November 25, a group of about thirty highly qualified international professionals, together with their families, visited the wonderful Cultural Park of Mining, hard transformed by an intense period of mining, and that has given way to a friendly landscape dotted with history. All these [...]

Bizkaia Talent participates in the Naturejobs Career Expo in Düsseldorf with more than 125 employment offers from Basque organizations


Attracting talent to the Basque Country is one of the top priorities for Bizkaia Talent and throughout the year they travel to numerous places in the world to take the social and economic reality of the region there. The Naturejobs Expo held last 17 November in Düsseldorf was the latest [...]

Bizkaia Talent takes the reality of the Basque Country to Düsseldorf thanks to a new Be Basque Talent Meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals in the area


Last Thursday, 16 November, the German city of Düsseldorf took center stage as it was the venue of the latest Be Basque Talent Meeting. These meetings are devised and promoted by Bizkaia Talent and aim at gathering highly-qualified Basque professionals who are currently developing their [...]

Great success of the 10th Be Basque Talent Conference held in MUNICH


More than 135 professionals and almost thirty Basque organizations participated in this international event More than 600 interviews between highly-qualified professionals from Germany and Basque companies were conducted Last Saturday, the Nemetschek Business Centre in Munich was the venue [...]

Bilbao, European City of the Year 2018


The City has won one of the ‘2018 Urbanism Awards’ It beat Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Vienna (Austria) in the final Bilbao is the European City of the Year 2018 after beating Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Vienna (Austria) at the 2018 Urbanism Awards granted by the international [...]

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