Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The Basque Country is the region which allocates the highest amount of public aid to industry in the whole of the Spanish state


The Basque Country is the autonomous community which provided the most public incentives last year. Thus, the Department of Economic Development of the Basque Country spent 115 million and was the regional body which invested the most money in supporting companies, only surpassed by the [...]

The Basque Government presents the new Inter-institutional Entrepreneurship Plan 2020 with a 295 million budget


All the departments and Basque institutions participate in the Plan The Basque Government has recently approved the Inter-institutional Entrepreneurship Plan of the Basque Country 2020 (PIE 2020) to support Entrepreneurs and Small Enterprises in the Basque country. The aim is to have a common [...]

Bizkaia Talent strengthens ties with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country thanks to a collaboration agreement with the Euskampus Foundation


They will help with the funding of science promotion activities so as to promote the Chair at the local as well as the international level The association to attract, retain and link Talent to Bizkaia – Basque Country keeps forging its network of collaborators in order to achieve its goals [...]

Bizkaia reinforces its position in the international scientific map thanks to the ERA CAREER DAY Bilbao


The historical territory of Bizkaia keeps encouraging any actions which support and promote high quality research and international recognition. This was evinced by the ERA CAREER DAY Bilbao held on 18, 19 and 20 September. The event was organized by Bizkaia Talent together with the Chair of [...]

The countdown to the 10th Be Basque Talent Conference to be held in Munich has already begun


  It will take place on 11 November and will be attended by around 25 Basque organizations and numerous professionals Basque talent keeps expanding all over the world. Therefore, the work carried out by Bizkaia Talent is essential to build and promote contact and collaboration networks [...]

The Basque Country at the forefront in scientific research production and impact in the Spanish state


In 2016, scientific publications in the Basque Country accounted for 6.61% of the total in the State Personnel involved in research and development activities in the Basque Country exceeded 12,000 researchers The findings of the Science in the Basque Country 2017 report have recently been [...]

The Basque Government allocates almost two million Euros to bring 200 young people back to the Basque Country


Companies which make contracts for at least twelve months will be subsidized The Basque Country’s concern about recent graduates moving abroad has an initiative which hopes to help bring about the return of those who went to other autonomous communities or countries to look for work more [...]

The fourth edition of the Competitiveness Program for professionalism in Bizkaia begins


Competencies for professionalism are once again playing an important role within Bizkaia Talent’s programmes, since the association to attract, retain and engage talent in Bizkaia has recently started with the fourth edition of this initiative. A total of 440 students from the three Basque [...]

Members from Norwegian Euraxess Network visit Bizkaia Talent


Bizkaia Talent keeps gaining international recognition thanks to the talent attraction, retention and engagement policies they are implementing in the Basque Country and disseminating in other places at the global level. A proof of this is that, last 25 and 26 of September, Bizkaia Talent, as a [...]

Bizkaia Talent reinforces the Be Basque Talent Network in London thanks to a new meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals


In the evening of Thursday, October 5th, and on the occasion of the participation in the Naturejobs Career Expo for the seventh year in a row, Bizkaia Talent organized a new edition of the international Be Basque Talent Meetings with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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