Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The university students of the Talentia Skills and Be Basque Ambassadors programmes receive their diplomas


The young students have received the certificate accrediting that they have completed both programmes. With the academic year drawing to a close, Bizkaia Talent has awarded diplomas to the university students who, over the academic year 2022-23, have completed the Talentia Service programmes: [...]

Bizkaia Talent brings together the international community to welcome in the summer


A party was held at the BBK Talent Home building of the BBK Foundation. On the 16th June Bizkaia Talent gathered together a group of international professionals and post-graduates, together with their families, at a party held on the terrace of the BBK Talent Home in order to welcome in the [...]

Bizkaia Talent participates in the ‘Reasearch To Business’ conference in Italy devoted to talent and skills


The Basque association was invited as an example of success in the use of data as a knowledge tool for talent management. On the 8th June Bizkaia Talent attended the R2B – Research To Business conference held in Bologna (Italy), and devoted to talent and professional skills. This [...]

The Be Basque Talent Conference will take place in Düsseldorf and will link up the finest talent with Basque organisations


The event will be held on the 21st October 2023 and it is expected that around 40 Basque organisations and some 150 highly qualified professionals currently residing in Germany will be in attendance. The Be Basque Talent Conference (BBTC) is back after the end of the pandemic. Over the course [...]

Over fifty people search for innovative solutions in the Torre Urduliz to challenges regarding food and mobility issues for senior citizens


Kaiku and Sener, reference companies in Bizkaia, posed their own challenges Following the success of the first edition of the Hackathon on Entrepreneurship and the Silver Economy, Nagusi Intelligence Center, Mondragon University, 42 Urduliz and Bizkaia Talent have joined forces with the [...]

700 youngsters present their research work at the Science Fair of the Elhuyar Foundation


For yet another year Bizkaia Talent has supported the science fair in which four grants were awarded to participate in the skills for professionalism programme Talentia Skills. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th June Bilbao hosted the Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka, the Elhuyar Foundation’s science fair. [...]

Bizkaia Talent’s Be Basque Talent Network brand amongst the 10 most innovative of 2023


The US publication CEO Views has recognised the “integrating character” of the brand for attracting the best international talent and linking it up with the top organisations of the Basque Country. CEO Views, a North American magazine devoted to the business sector, has included the Be Basque [...]

Ikerbasque launches a new call to hire researchers permanently


The “Permanent Positions 2023” call for applications will remain open until the 15th September 2023. Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, offers 10 permanent positions for researchers willing to develop a long-term scientific career in the Basque Country. This call is open both [...]

The international community makes a visit to the Antzasti Museum in the heart of Bizkaia


16 postgraduates and highly qualified professionals and their families enjoyed a guided visit to this location of great anthropological value to discover the daily life and role of women in the rural and urban worlds throughout the course of the 19th and 20th centuries. On the 20th of May, [...]

The talent with the greatest potential in Bizkaia links up with the province’s companies


60 students and recent graduates from the three Basque universities have visited nine of Bizkaia’s cutting-edge companies. The end of the university year is approaching, and with this the end of the programmed Talentia Skills activities. This is an excellence program whose main aim is [...]

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