Bizkaia Talent

Press room

The University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, provides 5 million to hire professionals who wish to prepare their doctoral theses


The UPV/EHU, as “the main research centre in the Basque Country”, is responsible for the research training of graduate staff and to that end they promote the production of doctoral theses by launching the annual call for applications for financial aid aimed at research staff training. The call [...]

The highly-qualified users of the Relocation service of Bizkaia Talent reach the heights of Bizkaia


Last Friday, 12 May, around 25 highly-qualified professionals together with their families had the opportunity to enjoy the incredible and original exhibition Memory regained. Traces in the history of the United States within the socio-cultural integration activities carried out by the [...]

MET Community new member of the collaboration NETWORK of the Be Basque Dual Career Centre


The Network of organizations which make up and support the Be Basque Dual Career Centre keeps growing. The collaboration platform of professional women interested in entrepreneurship aimed at having a social impact, MET COMMUNITY Bilbao, is the latest to join the extensive network of [...]

Bizkaia talent attends for the first time the professional fair Zurich Edu Expo 2017 held is Switzerland


  On 24 and 25 April bizkaia talent set out once again to attend, on this occasion, the international fair Zurich Edu Expo held in Zurich. This professional event brought together numerous educational institutions and organizations from all over the world for them to present their career [...]

Bizkaia talent holds a meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals who work in or around Zurich


  Establishing links and connecting with Basque talent, no matter where it is, is one of the main objectives of bizkaia talent. For this reason, on 25 April, they organized a new Be Basque Talent Meeting with highly-qualified Basque professionals residing in the area of Zurich, which was [...]

Two members of bizkaia talent’s Talentia Network selected by the Provincial Council of Biscay to be the first Gaztesaregileak of the territory


  Moreover, a multidisciplinary team of 7 young talents from the first edition of the innovative programme Talentia Challenge promoted by bizkaia talent is working on the design of the new Bizkaia Gazte Txartela The President of the Provincial Council of Biscay, Unai Rementeria, has announced [...]

Talent in Biscay the focus of the latest edition of the Topagunea Business Strategy


The conference organized by the newspaper Estrategia Empresarial was held last Friday, 31 March, at the BIC Bizkaia Ezkerraldea, with the focus being placed on Talent in Biscay and all the factors around it. The Economic and Territorial Development Councillor, Imanol Pradales, opened the [...]

More accessible and with more services, this is the new extranet of bizkaia talent


The new technologies and the features offered by the net are moving and evolving faster than ever before. This is why, the bizkaia talent team is always working to offer the latest innovations and IT tools both in their websites:,, as well as in their [...]

Bizkaia Talent supports in the organization of the first TEDxUDeusto


The TEDxUDeusto event, thanks to the efforts of the Lagunarte student association and sponsored by bizkaia talent amongst others, took place last Friday 24 March. TEDxDeusto included live conferences and audiovisual documents to raise an in-depth discussion among the different generations of [...]

Highly-qualified international professionals visit the Aiara Valley within the socio-cultural integration activities of the Relocation service of bizkaia talent


Talent can be found and developed anywhere in the world. This was evidenced on Saturday, 11 March, when around thirty highly-qualified international professionals residing in Bizkaia and users of the Relocation service of bizkaia talent, which provides them and their relatives with personalized [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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