Bizkaia Talent

Press room

Bizkaia talent brings the innovative collaboration tool Entrepreneurship 4.0 to its users


One of the main objectives of bizkaia talent, in addition to attracting, retaining and linking talent to Bizkaia – Basque Country, is offering the best service and attention to all its users through innovative digital tools. For this reason, as from today, the more than 7,800 people who form [...]

As from today, Bizkaia talent offers Basque organizations the possibility to post their employment offers in the prestigious British website


Bizkaia talent continues working to offer better service and attention to its users as well as to the organizations which form part of its database. For this reason, as from today, all the companies which are registered and enjoy the services of bizkaia talent can post and disseminate their [...]

ORKESTRA, a new member of the Be Basque Dual Career Centre network


The Be Basque Dual Career Centre network, which offers advice and personalized guidance to the partners of highly-qualified professionals in order to achieve their adequate professional and personal integration in our Country, keeps growing with more collaborating organizations. This week the [...]

The Global Competitiveness Index recognizes the work of Bizkaia in the management of talent and places Bilbao as one of the best cities in the world


 The city is ranked second in terms of talent retention, and fourth in the ability to build global knowledge. It comes eighteenth in the overall Global Cities Talent Competitiveness Index. The metropolitan area of Bilbao is one of the leading cities in retaining talent and building global [...]

The Basque Country leads the GDP per person employed ranking


The map which shows the Spanish labour productivity ranking based on the Gross Domestic Product per person employed is led by the Basque Country. Vitoria and San Sebastian hold the first two positions in this classification prepared by Eurostat and Bilbao stands fourth. This ranking is prepared [...]

Scientific research in the Basque Country has trebled in 10 years


The Basque Foundation for Science, Ikerbasque, has presented the results of the Basque Science Report 2016. The report records the main results of the Basque Country as regards researching population, science funding, scientific results and technology transfer through 47 indicators monitored by [...]

Bilbao Ekintza enters into agreement to join the Be Basque Dual Career Centre


  The municipal organization Bilbao Ekintza has signed the agreement to join the Be Basque Dual Career Centre and collaborate in the evolution and development of the bizkaia talent service, which offers advice and personalized guidance to couples of highly-qualified professionals in order [...]

The Basque Country leads the ranking of technological innovative companies in Spain


The Basque Country was the autonomous community in Spain where the highest percentage of companies presented technological developments in the period 2013-2015, with 20.1% of its companies launching innovations, followed by Navarra and La Rioja, with 16.6% of its companies launching [...]

Eneko Atxa, the chef, opens the doors of his “home”, the Azurmendi restaurant, to members of the Talentia network


Last Thursday, 15 December, the internationally renowned chef Eneko Atxa held a workshp with members of the Talentia network in his restaurant, Azurmendi, de Larrabetzu, which he calls “home”. After receiving the third Michelin star in 2012 and being considered the number 16 [...]

The Basque Country got “honours degree” in transparency of its institutions, occupying the first position in the Spain


The Basque Country is the most transparent autonomous community, according to a report on International Transparency (TI) in Spain, which highlights that all the autonomous regions have improved in meeting the demands of access to information and they now comply to a larger extent with the [...]

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We recruit, engage and retain talent in the area of Bilbao-Bizkaia, Basque Country.

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