Bizkaia Talent

Press room

bizkaia talent presents its programs and services at “Prestik Ezkerraldea 16”, the employment fair for young people of Bizkaia


Once again, the Association to attract, retain and link talent to Bizkaia-Basque Country will be present at the PRESTIK Employment Fair – on this occasion: PRESTIK-Ezkerraldea- to be held on October 20 and 21 at Portugalete Nautical School (University of the Basque Country). It is the fifth [...]

The Basque Country reaches one of the highest human development indexes in the world


The Basque country has moved up two positions in the global Human Development ranking and ranks eighth in the indicator which measures people’s well-being and progress beyond the economic situation. Thus, according to the Human Development Index (HDI), the Basque Country -with 0.915 points [...]

The Basque Country is an innovation hub according to the European Commission


The Basque Country is an international innovation hub and absolute leader in the whole of Spain in its category as a strong innovator in Europe. This is what the European Commission states in the Regional Innovation Scoreboard, RIS, which has just been published and which assesses innovation [...]

The Global Shapers Community of Bilbao comes into being within the international network promoted by the World Economic Forum  


It is now 11 years since the Provincial Council of Bizkaia established the Association to attract, retain and link highly-qualified people to the area of Bilbao – Bizkaia – Basque Country in order to prevent the crisis from forcing young talents to go to other countries in search [...]

The Basque Country and its culture take center stage at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival held in Washington and attended by around 4 million visitors


The 50th edition of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, where the Basque Country has participated as a guest this year, ended last 10 July. It is the main culture festival in the world and Basque color, identity and culture managed to gather around four million visitors. During the Festival, [...]

The Basque Country intends to attract the best startups in the field of industry 4.0 by opening the international program promoted by the Basque Government together with major BIND4.0 organizations


The Basque Country, together with some of the most important organizations located in the Basque Country, presented last Wednesday, 6 July, at the Science and Technology Park of Gipuzkoa, the StartUP! Basque industry 4.0 initiative, BIND4.0. It is a public-private early-stage business [...]

Bizkaia talent upgrades its website design to make it more accessible and dynamic


Bizkaia talent, being aware of the importance of enhancing and streamlining its website users’ browsing experience, has re-designed the site to make it more accessible and dynamic. One novel feature is that bizkaia talent’s services appear at the beginning of the landing page, so that users can [...]

Bizkaia talent shows the participants of the Talentia and the Competencies for Professionalism programmes the advantages and opportunities of internationalization


After the good reception of the first edition of the Internationalization Conference held last year within the Talentia Programme, the association bizkaia talent, promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, has organized once again this initiative so as to show the participants of the [...]

The Basque education system, a model to follow in Europe, according to the prestigious British network BBC NEWS


The prestigious British network BBC has produced an extensive report praising the Basque education model and its excellent results. Under the heading “Basques reinvent themselves as education power” (, the education correspondent for BBC News, Sean [...]

Great success of the ninth edition of the Be Basque Talent Conference held in Hamburg


The ninth edition of the Be Basque Talent Conference organized by the Association to Attract, Retain and Link Talent to Bizkaia-Basque Country, promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, took place at the weekend of 11 June. Bizkaia talent held a new edition in the German city of Hamburg [...]

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